Weekly Case

Title : case 206

Age / Sex : 32 / M

Age / Sex : 32 / Male

Chief complaint : Multiple

1) What is your impression?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of
this case.

* Send Application Answers to In Sook Lee, MD (lis@pusan.ac.kr)

Courtesy : In Sook Lee, Pusan National University Hospital


Multiple tendon xanthomata




Figure 1. Ankle
and knee radiographs show s
oft tissue masses at calcaneal
insertion sites of both Achilles tendons and anterior portion of right tibial

Figure 2. Axial
MR images of ankle show nodular masses at the insertion sites of the Achilles
and peroneus tendons. The masses have heterogeneously intermediate-to-low
signal intensities with speckled appearance on both T1- and T2WIs. They demonstrate
diffuse heterogeneous enhancement.

Figure 3. Another
mass that has similar signal and enhancement pattern is located at the
subcutaneous fat layer anterior to right tibial tuberosity.


 Multiple tendon xanthomata


Differential diagnosis : Multiple gouty tophi, tendinitis




xanthomata are associated with disorders of lipid metabolism such as familial
hypercholesterolemia. Their
produces nodular
masses in the tendons of the hand, the patellar tendon, the Achilles tendon,
the plantar aponeurosis, the peroneal tendon, and around the elbow and lower

MRI and US
are useful adjuncts to diagnosis, along with conventional radiographs.
Axial-view MR images characteristically show heterogeneous signal, speckled or
reticulated pattern within the diffusely enlarged tendon in all image
sequences(T1, T2, proton density weighted). The heterogeneity of signal
decreases in sagittal images, in which the tendons look more nodular and
enlarged than speckled. On ultrasonography, the xanthomas appear as diffuse or
focal hypoechoic lesions with lack of characteristic fibrillar architecture of
normal tendons.

Surgery is
required only in cases of mechanical obstruction of the joints resulting in
disability or pain.




1. Sudhir
K., Kappor MS, Himanshu Kataria MS. Multiple nodular outgrowth in the hands and
feet of a 60-year-old man. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2010: 468: 637-642


2. S.Otake,
N.Imagumbai, A.Tajima, S.Ohba. Unusual high signal intensity on MR images in a
patient with multiple tendinous xanthomas. Eur. Radiol. 1997: 7: 1025-1027

Correct Answer
Name Institution
total applicants 20
correct answer 18
이호준 국군양주병원
이승후ㄴ 한양대학교병원
김인환 전북대병원
윤민아 서울대병원
신나영 (전공의) 세브란스병원
홍새롬 (전공의) 세브란스병원
정희록 (전공의) 한림대춘천성심병원
이경규 한강성심병원
신경은 (전공의) 삼성서울병원
김은지 바른세상병원
조신영 웰튼병원
박상현 플러스영상의학과
김성윤 동대문튼튼병원
안경식 고대안암병원
이신우 가천의대
정진영 삼성서울병원
김성현 자생의원
이상희 삼성서울병원
