Weekly Case

Title : case 207

Age / Sex : 19 / M

Age / Sex: 19 / M

Chief complaint: Pain
of the right ankle joint

1) What is your impression?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of
this case.

* Send Application Answers to In Sook Lee, MD (lis@pusan.ac.kr)

Courtesy : Byeong Seong Kang, M.D., University of Ulsan
College of Medicine, Ulsan University Hospital, Ulsan, Korea


Talocalcaneal coalition



1) Plain radiography

- Lateral
radiograph of the right ankle joint shows narrowing of the middle subtalar


2) CT

- Axial CT image
shows narrowing and reactive hypertrophic changes of the middle subtalar joint.

- Coronal
reformatted CT image shows abnormal downward sloping of the sustentaculum tali.


Differential Diagnosis: None


Diagnosis: Talocalcaneal coalition



Talocalcaneal fusion most commonly involves the
middle facet at the level of the sustentaculum tali.
Cartilaginous, fibrous, or bony bridges
may be identified. Cartilaginous coalitions are usually associated with marked
narrowing of the joint, whereas fibrous coalitions, which typically involve the
most posterior part of the sustentaculum tali, may lead to only subtle
diminution in interosseous space.

A number of secondary radiographic signs of talocalcaneal coalition have
been described, including a talar beak, narrowing of the posterior subtalar
joint, rounding of the lateral talar process, concave undersurface of the talar
neck and asymmetry of the talocalcaneonavicular joint, failure of visualization
of the “middle” subtalar joint, continuous C-sign, and ball-and-socket ankle

coalitions are best depicted on coronal CT scans. In osseous coalition, a bony
bar bridges the middle facet of the subtalar joint. Involvement of the
posterior and anterior facets is variable, and abnormal narrowing or even
fusion of the posterior facet may be observed in advanced cases. In nonosseous
coalition, the middle facet of the subtalar joint may be narrowed with reactive
cystic and hypertrophic changes of the underlying bone.



1. Resnick D. Diagnosis of bone and joint disorders. Saunders, 2002, 4th ed. p4593-4599

2. Newman JS and Newberg AH. Congenital
tarsal coalition: multimodality evaluation with emphasis on CT and MR imaging.
Radiographics 2000;20:321-332

Correct Answer
Name Institution
total applicants 26
correct answer 26
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윤민아 서울대병원
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이상희 삼성서울병원
박상현 플러스영상의학과
홍새롬 (전공의) 세브란스병원
김은지 바른세상병원
최성규 스마일영상의학과
서영주 (전공의) 세브란스병원
김성현 자생의원
이상민 (전공의) 이대목동병원
김혜린 삼성서울병원
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하종수 안양샘병원
송숙연 (전공의) 이대목동병원
