Weekly Case

Title : Case 503

Age / Sex : 8 / M

Chief complaint: Mild foot pain bilaterally, left>right

Aggravation of left foot pain for 1 month after sprain

What is your impression? 
Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of this case. (Please submit only one answer)

Courtesy: Lee Sung Moon, Keimyung University


Osteochondrosis of medial cuneiform, bilateral



Plain radiography

  1. Geographic mixed lucency and sclerosis involving medial cuneiform bilaterally

MRI (left ankle)

  1. Preserved normal marrow fat

  2. Focal increased SI dorsomedially, could be due to previous sprain

  3. No soft tissue mass nor inflammatory change around medial cuneiform

  4. Ligaments and tendons are preserved (not shown)

 Differential Diagnosis:

  1. Osteochondrosis

  2. Other possibilities are less likely

  • - LCH, tuberculous osteomyelitis,

  • - Ewing’s sarcoma


Osteochondrosis of medial cuneiform, bilateral


Osteochondrosis of medial cuneiform

- Relatively rare in tarsal osteochondrosis

- 2.5~8 years, Boys>

- Medial cuneiform (66.7%) > intermediate(27.8%) > lateral(5.5%)

- Bilateral 61%

- Small sclerotic cuneiform with marginal irregularity

- Self-limiting - regain normal size and density in 6~24 months

DDx: Ewing’s sarcoma, Osteomyelitis, LCH, Frostbite


  1. F Calderazzi et al. Trauma Cases Rev 2016, 2:037

  2. Z Atbasi, et al. Foot Ankle Spec.2013 Apr;6(2):154-8

Correct Answer
Total applicants 32 Correct answers 29
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