Weekly Case

Title : case 192

Age / Sex : 4 / F

Age / Sex : 4/F
Chief complaint :
limping gait

1) What is your impression?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of this case.

* Send Application Answers to In Sook Lee, MD (lis@pusan.ac.kr)

Courtesy : Sung Mi Sook, The Catholic University of Korea, Bucheon St. Mary’s Hospital


Ischiopubic synchondrosis


Findings: Ischiopubic synchondrosis

AP radiograph of pelvis shows radiolucency of left ischiopubic synchondrosis.

MRI shows fusiform swelling with hyperintense signal alteration of the bone marrow and the adjacent soft tissue edema at the left ischiopubic fusion zone. Note the band-like, smoothly shaped hypointense structure in the center of the lesion, consistent with fibrous bridging.


Differential Diagnosis: Stress fracture, Osteomyelitis, Bone tumor


Diagnosis: Ischiopubic synchondrosis, left



Enlarged ischiopubic synchondrosis is a well-known and frequent finding on radiologic workup of prepubertal children, and it presents with atypical but physiologic ossification patterns. The distinct, tumor-like appearance of this anatomic structure makes it unique among synchondroses, and it may be misinterpreted as an infectious, traumatic, or neoplastic process.

Ischiopubic synchondrosis is susceptible to mechanical stress. Note tumor-like appearance of this anatomic structure, which is presumably physiologic reaction to mechanical stress. The distinct appearance of this temporary joint indicates delayed closure of this temporary joint, which is presumably due to asymmetrically applied mechanical strain to pelvis during certain athletic activities.




1: Oliveira F. Differential diagnosis in painful ischiopubic synchondrosis (IPS): a case report. Iowa Orthop J. 2010;30:195-200.

2: Herneth AM, Philipp MO, Pretterklieber ML, Balassy C, Winkelbauer FW, Beaulieu CF. Asymmetric closure of ischiopubic synchondrosis in pediatric patients:correlation with foot dominance. Am J Roentgenol. 2004 ;182(2):361-5.

3. Herneth AM, Trattnig S, Bader TR, Ba-Ssalamah A, Ponhold W, Wandl-Vergesslich

K, Steinbach LS. MR imaging of the ischiopubic synchondrosis. Magn Reson Imaging.

2000 Jun;18(5):519-24.

4: Iqbal A, McKenna D, Hayes R, O'Keeffe D. Osteomyelitis of the ischiopubic synchondrosis: imaging findings. Skeletal Radiol. 2004 Mar;33(3):176-80.

Correct Answer
Name Institution
total applicants 22
correct answer 11
백혜진 (전공의) 부산백병원
공근영 자생의원
이경규 한강성심병원
박희진 명지병원
이승훈 한양대학교병원
윤영철 삼성의료원
김성윤 서울아산병원
이호준 (전공의) 신촌세브란스병원
하종수 새움병원
유명원 (전공의) 경희의료원
김성현 자생의원
semi-correct answer 2
김성준 강남세브란스병원
이선영 서울아산병원
