Weekly Case

Title : case 188

Age / Sex : 46 / F

Age / Sex : 46/F
Chief complaint : Lt. thumb pain

1) What is your impression?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of this case.

* Send Application Answers to In Sook Lee, MD (lis@pusan.ac.kr)

Courtesy : Kim Na Ra, Konkuk University School of Medicine


Gamekeeper’s thumb with Stener’s lesion



Plain radiograph:

ulnar Instability on radial stress view compared with the contralateral thumb


 On fat-saturated T2-weighted coronal images, the ulnar collateral ligament of the first MCP joint is completely torn at its distal insertion. The swollen avulsed ligament stump retracts proximally and superficially above the adductor aponeurosis; this is called a Sterner’s lesion.

Black arrow: avulsed ulnar collateral ligament

White arrow: adductor aponeurosis

Arrowhead: completely distal avulsed site of UCL



Gamekeeper’s thumb with Stener’s lesion



Gamekeeper’s thumb (=skier’s thumb)

 - injury of UCL of first MCP joint

 - avulsion of distal insertion during forced valgus mechanism

Stener’s lesion

 - torn UCL retract proximally and superficially above adductor aponeurosis

 - need to be repaired surgically because of the interposition of the aponeurosis and the risk of chronic instability



 David W. Stoller. Magnetic resonance imaging in orthopaedics and sports medicine. 3rd Ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007;1850-1851

Correct Answer
Name Institution
total applicants 13
correct answer 4
박희진 명지병원
이경규 한강성심병원
최희석 부천자생영상의학과
김완태 서울보훈병원
semi-correct answer 7
최성규 스마일영상의학과
이승훈 한양대학교병원
이호준 (전공의) 신촌세브란스병원
김성윤 서울아산병원
이신우 가천의대
김성현 자생의원
정진영 분당차병원
