Weekly Case

Title : Case 820

Age / Sex : 29 / M

Chief complaint : growing mass in palm for 2 months.
tenderness (+)

What is your diagnosis?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagonosis with a brief discussion of this case (Please submit only one answer)

Courtesy : 장민영(Min-Yung Chang), 국민건강보험공단 일산병원 (National health insurance service ilsan hospital)



Nodular fasciitis


A 1.4cm X 1.2cm X 1.6cm nodular lesion at the palm of the hand
displacing neurovascular bundle.
perilesional edema/ enhancement.
peripheral enhancement (inverted target sign).

Coyle, J., White, L.M., Dickson, B. et al. MRI characteristics of nodular fasciitis of the musculoskeletal system. Skeletal Radiol 42, 975–982 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00256-013-1620-9

Correct Answer
Total applicants 28 Correct answers 8
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Semi-Correct Answer
Total applicants 28 Semi-Correct answers 9
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