Weekly Case

Title : case 293

Age / Sex : 8 / F

Chief complaint: ankle pain for 2 weeks

1) What is your impression?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of this case.

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Courtesy: 이재혁(Jae Hyuck, Yi), 경북대병원(Kyungpook National University Hospital)



Tubercoulous osteomyelitis of distal tibia with ankle joint involvement in a child




AP and lateral radiographs of the ankle show an irregular
lytic lesion within the anterior metaphyseal region of the distal tibia with
extension into the epiphysis crossing the physeal plate. Subtle marginal
sclerosis and cortical destruction are also noted.

MR images show a well-marginated metaepiphyseal infiltrating
lesion of the distal tibia, and even and strong synovial enhancement with large
amount of the joint effusion indicating combined active synovitis of the ankle


Diagnosis: Tubercoulous osteomyelitis of distal tibia with
ankle joint involvement



osteomyelitis is less common than spinal or articular TB and has been reported
to occur in only 11% of children with skeletal TB. TB osteomyelitis was more
often multifocal and disseminated as a result of haematogenous spread from a
primary focus in the lungs. However, recent reports indicate that solitary
lesions are now more commonly seen and a primary lung focus is often not
present. Multiple sites of involvement are usually seen in children, but in
adults involvement is more often confined to a single bone.

The skull vault, hands, feet and ribs are
most commonly involved. Several radiological patterns may be seen, with the
cystic form being the most commonly reported form. These well-defined
radiolucent lesions are round-to-ovoid, with marginal sclerosis seen in some
cases. Expansion of the bones and honeycombing is sometimes seen. A sequestrum
may be present within the cavity. These
cystic lesions may cross the epiphyseal plate to involve the epiphysis.

An infiltrative pattern of TB osteomyelitis may sometimes be. This pattern
resembles Ewing

s sarcoma, fungal infection and
chronic pyogenic osteomyelitis.

Spina ventosa

is a term used to describe a form
of TB osteomyelitis where there is underlying bone destruction, overlying
periosteal thickening and fusiform expansion of the bone. Radiographically,
these lesions appear as cyst-like cavities with expansion of the diaphyses.
These lesions usually occur in the short bones of the hands and feet where the
condition is known as TB dactylitis.

Several authors have reported a delay in the diagnosis of bone
. One of the great difficulties in diagnosing skeletal
tuberculosis is the non-specific clinical presentation. Furthermore, t
radiological features of osseous TB are not even pathognomonic, and so tissue
diagnosis with curettage and synovial biopsy is necessary to establish the



1.     Osseous Manifestations
of Tuberculosis in Children.
Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics

2.     Tuberculous
osteomyelitis: a review of 125 cases. Int Orthop 1986;10:201-207

3.     Tuberculous
osteomyelitis in young children. J Pediatr Orthop 1999;19:151-155

Correct Answer
Name Institution
Total applicants: 17
Correct answers: 4
윤유성: 순천향대천안병원
유명원: 경희의료원
박희진: 강북삼성병원
김성윤: 으뜸병원
