Weekly Case

Title : case 313

Age / Sex : 56 / F

Chief complaint: Lateral foot pain for 1 month

1) What is your impression?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of this case.

(Quiz는 quiz일 뿐이오니 답안은 한개만 보내주시기 바라오며, 복수의 답안을 보내주시는 분은 정답이 포함되어 있더라도 부득이 semi-correct answer로 처리토록 하겠습니다.)

Courtesy: 김성준(Sungjun Kim), 연세대 강남세브란스병원(Gangnam Severance Hospital)


Split tear of peroneus longus with prominent (enlarged) peroneal tubercle


Findings: Prominent
peroneal tubercle. Tendinosis and split tear of peroneus longus at the
inframalleoar level.


Differential Diagnosis: none


Split tear of peroneus longus by prominent (enlarged) peroneal tubercle



       Peroneal tubercle is normal osseous
process on the lateral wall of the calcaneus

       It separates the peroneus brevis
from the peroneus longus.

       Reported incidence ranges from 36% to

       Enlarged peroneal tubercle has been
reported to be present in 20.5 through 24% individuals.

       A criterion defining an abnormality
in size of the peroneal tubercle has not been reported.

       Some of these enlargements might be
acquired by trauma, altered weight bearing, and/or inflammatory changes related
to peroneus longus tendon spasms however, most of these enlargements are
principally believed to be congenital.



Wang XT,
Rosenberg ZS,
Mechlin MB,
Schweitzer ME.
Normal variants and diseases of the peroneal tendons and superior peroneal
retinaculum: MR imaging features. Radiographics.
2005 May-Jun;25(3):587-602.


Correct Answer
Name Institution
Total applicants: 15
Correct answers: 6
조신영: 웰튼병원
박희진: 강북삼성병원
이철승: 서울아산병원
유명원: 서울아산병원
윤성종: 강동경희대병원
강건우: 고려대안암병원
