Weekly Case

Title : case 318

Age / Sex : 54 / F

Chief complaint: both hip pain (left > right)

1) What is your impression?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of this case.

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Courtesy: 이소연, 성균관대 강북삼성병원




* 최다정답자 및 응모자 시상과 관련해서 '전문의' 및 '전공의' 구분이 필요하오니, 변동이 있으신 분들께서는 홈페이지 '개인 정보'의 수정 또는 답안 제출시 정확한 정보 기입을 부탁드립니다.



Ischiofemoral impingement syndrome



Findings: MRI of
both hips shows severe edema and partial tear of left quadratus femoris and
mild edema on right. There is bursalike formation near deformed left quadratus
femoris muscle. Ischiofemoral space (smallest distance between lateral cortex
of ischial tuberosity and medial cortex of lesser trochanter) and quadratus
femoris space (smallest distance between superolateral surface of hamstring
tendons and posteromedial surface of iliopsoas tendon or lesser trochanter) are


Diagnosis: ischiofemoral
impingement syndrome



impingement is defined as the entrapment of the quadratus femoris muscle
between the lesser trochanter of the femur and the ischial tuberosity.
Quadratus femoris muscle arises from the upper part of the external border of
the ischial tuberosity. It is inserted into the minor tubercle of the trochanteric
crest of the femur. Abnormalities of the quadratus femoris may cause hip,
buttock, and groin pain that can radiate distally from the posterior thigh.

According to the
recent researches, ischiofemoral and quadratus femoris spaces are narrower in
patients with ischiofemoral impingement syndrome than those of healthy
subjects. The ischiofemoral space is defined as the smallest distance between
the lateral cortex of the ischial tuberosity and medial cortex of lesser
trochanter. The quadratus femoris space is defeined as the smallest space for
passage of the quadratus femoris muscle delimited by the superolateral surface
of the hamstring tendons and the posteromedial surface of the iliopsoas tendon
or lesser trochanter.

Most of the
affected patients in recently published reports with quadratus femoris
muscle  abnormality were female. There
might be a potential correlation between the ischiofemoral space narrowing and
anatomy of female pelvis, such as prominence of the lesser trochanter in the
female pelvis. The increase in the angle between the long axis of femoral neck
and the long axis of the femoral shaft is one of the factor which may may
result quadratus femoris muscle edema and ischiofemoral impingement syndrome.

 The diagnosis of ischiofemoral impingement
syndrome depends on both clinical and imaging evidence. There is no specific
test to diagnose ischiofemoral impingement syndrome. However, MRI has been used
in diagnosis of impingement syndromes, which has led to improved treatment



1. Torriani M,
Souto SC, Thomas BJ, Ouellette H, Bredella MA. Ischiofemoral impingement
syndrome: an entity with hip pain and abnormalities of the quadratus femoris
muscle. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2009 Jul;193(1):186-90.

2. Ali AM,
Whitwell D, Ostlere SJ. Case report: imaging and surgical treatment of a
snapping hip due to ischiofemoral impingement. Skeletal Radiol. 2011 May;40(5):653-6.

3.Tosun O, Algin
O, Yalcin N, Cay N, Ocakoglu G, Karaoglanoglu M. Ischiofemoral impingement:
evaluation with new MRI parameters and assessment of their reliability.
Skeletal Radiol. 2012 May;41(5):575-87.

Correct Answer
Name Institution
Total applicants: 19
Correct answers: 17
조신영: 웰튼병원
이지현: 삼성서울병원
양지연: 오병원
김지현: 바른본병원
김현수: 삼성서울병원
이광진: 통영적십자병원
최선주: 경북대병원
이상민: 서산의료원
박지원: 대구튼튼병원
김예나: 강남세브란스병원
윤성종: 강동경희대병원
최희석: 부평세림병원
윤유성: 순천향대천안병원
강유진: 우리병원
이호준: 국군양주병원
김성윤: 으뜸병원
구혜수: 강동경희대병원
Semi-correct answers: 2
이철승: 서울아산병원
유성혜: 고려대안안병원
