Weekly Case

Title : case 339

Age / Sex : 74 / F

Chief complaint: painful swelling of 3rd & 4th finger (onset: 3 days ago)

1) What is your impression?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of this case.

(Quiz는 quiz일 뿐이오니 답안은 한개만 보내주시기 바라오며, 복수의 답안을 보내주시는 분은 정답이 포함되어 있더라도 부득이 semi-correct answer로 처리토록 하겠습니다.)



Courtesy: 이영한, 연세대세브란스병원


Acute calcific periarthritis



       Acute periarticular inflammation with juxtaarticular deposits of calcium hydroxyapatite or other basic calcium phosphate crystals

       Degeneration  of   the  fibrous  tissue,  likely  related  to  microtrauma,  and  subsequent  intratendinous  necrosis

       Mostly unifocal and self-limited


      Most commonly tendons about the shoulder

      Followed by hip and knee

       Conservative treatment

       Clinical history and radiographic appearance are enough

       Plain radiograph

      Calcification localized to the symptomatic site: almost pathognomonic with appropriate clinical history

      Calcification size can be variable and does not correlate with the severity of symptoms

      Calcification becomes less well-defined and may fragment before disappearing entirely within weeks to months


      Calcified lesions shows variable signal intensity on T2-weighted images depending on the amount of lipid contents



1. Periarticular Calcifications in Two Patients With Acute Hand Pain. Emily N. Vinson1, Shivang V. Desai, Suraj Reddy. AJR 2010;195: S76-S79.
2.  Acute calcific periarthritis of the hand and wrist: a series and review of the literature
Doumas C, Vazirani RM, Clifford PD, Owens P.Emerg Radiol. 2007 Sep;14(4):199-203.

Correct Answer
Name Institution
Total applicants: 14
Correct answers: 2
박지원: 대구튼튼병원
윤성종: 강동경희대병원
Semi-correct answer: 1
최희석: 부평세림병원
