Weekly Case

Title : Case 479

Age / Sex : 19 / M

Chief complaint : Shin splints

What is your impression? 

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of this case. (Please submit only one answer)

Courtesy: Chun, Tong
Eulji University Hospital


OFD-like adamantinoma


Findings: AP and lateral radiographs of tibia
of a 19-year-old male shows cortical-based several multilocular intracortical
osteolytic lesions with thickening of cortex in the anterior cortex of the
middle tibia. The lesion is mildly expansile and surrounded by sclerotic change
of the thick cortex.

MRI of lower
leg shows intermediate signal on T1WI, hypersignal on T2WI and strong
enhancement with unenhanced foci on T1W-CE image. No intramedullary involvement
or abnormal signal/enhancement is seen in the interspersed sclerotic thick



Osteofibrous dysplasia, Adamantinoma


Diagnosis: OFD-like adamantinoma
(differentiated adamantinoma)




radiologic features of osteofibrous dysplasia, osteofibrous dysplasia (OFD)–like
adamantinoma, and adamantinoma are very similar and radiologically, OFD-like
adamantinoma is indistinguishable from adamantinoma.

Younger age
(<20), ground-glass attenuation, and absence of intramedullary involvement,
aggressive periosteal reaction or moth-eaten osteolytic lesion are more
suggestive of fibrous dysplasia.

The patient
age can be the best clue to diagnosis of OFD-like adamantinoma. OFD–like
adamantinoma, differentiated adamantinoma, regressive adamantinoma, juvenile
adamantinoma, or intracortical adamantinoma occurs before age 20 and
intracortical location without soft tissue or intramedullary involvement.
Histologically, OFD-like adamantinoma shows predominance of osteofibrous
tissues with very small number of epithelial cells.



1.          Khanna M, Delaney D, Tirabosco R, et
al. Osteofibrous dysplasia, osteofibrous dysplasia-like adamantinoma and
adamantinoma: correlation of radiological imaging features with surgical
histology and assessment of the use of radiology in contributing to needle
biopsy diagnosis. Skeletal Radiol. 2008; 37:1077-1084

2.          .Jain D, Jain VK, Vasishta RK, et al.
Adamantinoma: a clinicopathologic review and update. Diagn Pathol. 2008;3:8-18.

Correct Answer
Name Institution
Total applicants:31
Correct answers:11
이혜란:석병원, 전문의
전성희:중앙보훈병원, 전공의
김현진:분당제생병원, 전공의
강건우:군의관, 전문의
장동률:군복무, 전문의
이선혜:고대안암, 전공의
김동환:군의관, 전문의
박주일:서울대학교병원, 전공의
김현진:분당제생병원, 전공의
김태형:건국대학교병원, 전문의
염동헌:세명병원, 전문의
Semi-correct answers:10
양지연:순천평화병원, 전문의
이승현:세브란스 병원, 전문의
윤민아:고대구로병원, 전문의
이원경:이대목동병원, 전공의
박지원:대구참튼튼병원, 전문의
최문환:새움병원, 전문의
안태란:서울의료원, 전공의
박선영:한림대, 전문의
김성관:국군부산병원, 전문의
전선경:서울대병원, 전공의
