Weekly Case

Title : case 343

Age / Sex : 18 / M

Chief complaint: gradually aggravated pain of lower leg for several years

1) What is your impression?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of this case.

(Quiz는 quiz일 뿐이오니 답안은 한개만 보내주시기 바라오며, 복수의 답안을 보내주시는 분은 정답이 포함되어 있더라도 부득이 semi-correct answer로 처리토록 하겠습니다.)



Courtesy: 이재혁(Yi Jae Hyuck), 경북대병원(Kyungpook National University Hospital)


Differentiated adamantinoma



Multiseptated, eccentric osteolytic lesion involving anterior cortex of the tibia

Soap-bubble appearance

Slightly expansile lesion with focal extraosseous extension

Mild anterior bowing deformity of the tibia

No obvious involvement of bone marrow


Differential Diagnosis:

Adamantionoma (classic)

Osteofibrous dysplasia


Diagnosis:  Differentiated adamantinoma



1. Differentiated adamantinoma

- Osteofibrous dysplasia-like adamantinoma

- Regressing, juvenile

- Deformity-inducing

- Strands of epithelial cell (+) on hematoxylin-eosin stain


2. Adamantinoma (classic)

- Low grade malignancy as a primary bone tumor with epithelial characteristics

- Much less favorable prognosis than differentiated adamantinoma & OFD

- Young adult (mean age 30)

- Midshaft of tibia (85%), synchronous involve of tibia & fibula (10%)

- Osteolytic, eccentric, expansile, multifocal, sclerotic margin

- Soap-bubble appearance

 - Predominant intracortical: possible infiltration into the bone marrow

 - Less common bowing deformity than osteofibrous dysplasia

 - Longitudinal orientation

 - Extracortical extension (15%)

 - Uncertain embryogenesis: epithelial cell surrounded by a fibrous stroma

 - Tubular variant, basaloid variant, squamous variant, spindle cell variant, OFD-like variant, Ewing’s-like variant


3. Osteofibrous dysplasia

- Children

- Common bowing deformity or pseudoarthrosis of the tibia

- Spontaneous regression at puberty

- 25% recurrence after curratage or local resection

    -> recommendation of delayed surgery until after puberty only for extensive lesions

- Intracortical, well-marginated, marginal sclerosis, ground-glass appearance

- Histologic features similar to fibrous dysplasia

- Spicules of woven bone separated by a fibrovascular stroma

- Possible ‘cytokeratin-positive mast cells (+)’ within the fibrous stroma on routine HE stain

   : not epithelial cell



1. LB. Kahn. Adamantinoma, osteofibrous dysplasia and differentiated adamantinoma. Skeletal Radiol 2003;32:245-258

2. HJV. Woude et al. MRI of Adamantinoma of Long Bones in Correlation with Histopathology. AJR 2004;183:1737-1744

Correct Answer
Name Institution
Total Applicants: 13
Correct answers:11
길은경:순천향대 부천병원
이승훈:한양대 병원

  • 이승훈 ( 2014-01-09 00:26:54 )
    classic type과 differentiated type의 가장 두드러진 영상의학적 소견을 질문드려도 될런지요?
