Weekly Case

Title : case 334

Age / Sex : 20 / M

Chief complaint: acute finger pain after a hyperextension injury

1) What is your impression?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of this case.

(Quiz는 quiz일 뿐이오니 답안은 한개만 보내주시기 바라오며, 복수의 답안을 보내주시는 분은 정답이 포함되어 있더라도 부득이 semi-correct answer로 처리토록 하겠습니다.)



Courtesy:  이선주(Sun Joo Lee), 인제대부산백병원(Inje University Paik Hospital)


Avulsion fracture of the volar plate



 (a) The lateral radiograph of the second finger shows a small bone fragment (arrow) arising from the volar aspect of the base of the middle phalanx. (b) The longitudinal US image shows a small bone fragment (arrow) and adjacent fluid collection (arrowhead) at the volar aspect of the base of the middle phalanx. The volar plate is deformed and it has low echogenicity (open arrow). (c) The sagittal T1-weighted MR image shows an avulsion fracture of the volar plate (arrow). Irregularity of the donor site from the base of the middle phalanx is also seen (arrowhead).


Diagnosis: avulsion fracture of the volar plate



 A volar plate avulsion fracture is a common injury that occurs at the proximal interphalangeal joint. The volar plate is a fibrocartilaginous structure that is attached to the base of the middle phalanx distal to the joint and prevents hyperextension. Volar plate avulsion fractures typically occur when forceful hyperextension is applied to the finger tip, especially during ball-handling sports . Radiographs show a small fragment of bone avulsed from the volar aspect of the base of the middle phalanx. US can show small bony fragments and adjacent fluid collection at the volar aspect of the base of the middle phalanx. MRI can more definitively depict bone and soft tissue edema and adjacent fluid collection. Treatment options are conservative and range from early active motion with or without buddy strapping to immobilization at various degrees of flexion/extension.




Kang R, Stern PJ. Fracture dislocations of the proximal interphalangeal joint. J Am Soc Surg Hand 2002;2(2):47-59.

Freiberg A, Pollard BA, Macdonald MR, Duncan MJ. Management of proximal interphalangeal joint injuries. J Trauma 1999;46(3):523-528.

Correct Answer
Name Institution
Total applicants: 17
Correct answers: 14
조신영: 웰튼병원
김현수: 삼성서울병원
박희진: 강북삼성병원
양지연: 오병원
이승훈: 한양대병원
김완태: 중앙보훈병원
최희석: 부평세림병원
이지은: 고든병원
천혜진: 경북대병원
이호석: 경북대병원
홍지훈: 경북대병원
박지원: 대구튼튼병원
윤성종: 강동경희대병원
길은경: 순천향대부천병원
Semi-correct answer: 1
박준동: 효성병원

  • 윤유성 ( 2013-11-05 15:04:52 )
    case 334, 333 정답 보냈는데 확인부탁드립니다.
