Age / Sex : 52 / M
Chief complaint : wound oozing for 1 month
Past Hx. - S/P hip disarticulation (45년 전, 기차사고)
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Courtesy : 추혜정 (Hye Jung Choo), 인제대학교부산백병원(Inje University Busan Paik Hospital) Diagnosis: Marjolin’ ulcer
Findings Marked thickening and enhancement of the soft tissue of the distal stump of the lower limb Bony enhancement at the distal end of the amputated femur
Discussion malignant degeneration within pre-existing scars or areas of chronic inflammation such as burns or venous ulcers - takes approximately 35 years - 0.1-2.5% of scar tissue Squamous cell carcinomas (m/c, >70%) - followed by basal cell carcinoma and melanoma Imaging findings MRI- Hypertrophied lobulating margin soft tissue with chronic ulcer CT- cortical destruction/ periosteal reaction of adjacent bone
References Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology 2011; 64(6): 593-598.