Weekly Case

Title : Case 845

Age / Sex : 54 / F

Brachial plexus의 anatomy 를 고려할 때 가장 가능성 높은 tumor의 위치는? (객관식)
1) Root
2) Trunk
3) Division
4) Cord
5) Branch

What is your diagnosis?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagonosis with a brief discussion of this case (Please submit only one answer)

Courtesy :  정혜원 (Chung, Hye Won), 서울아산병원 (Asan Medical Center)


2) trunk


MR findings
A well-marginated nodular soft tissue mass in right retroclavicular area
located between interscalene triangle and lateral margin of the 1st rib
thus, likely located at middle trunk level
may be continuous with C7 nerve root
T2 high signal intensity with inhomogeneous internal enhancement
- minimal thickening of adjacent nerve
Conclusion> Neurogenic tumor, from right C7 (middle trunk level)

Radiographics 2020 Oct;40(6):1686-1714

Correct Answer
Total applicants 36 Correct answers 21
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