Age / Sex : 22 / M
Chief complaint : 우연히 발견된 right clavicle lesion
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Courtesy : 류혜진 (Hyejin Yoo), 서울대학교병원 (Seoul National University Hospital)
Diagnosis: Rhomboid fossa
Findings Eccentric osteolytic lesion with thin sclerotic rim along the inferior surface of the medial end of the right clavicle
Rhomboid fossa of the clavicle is recognized as a concave impression of the inferior surface of the sternal (medial) end of the clavicle. It is a normal anatomical variant that can be seen unilaterally (more often) or bilaterally. It is more common in males than females, and young adults. Unilateral presence of the rhomboid fossa is correlated with the handedness, being present more frequently on the right side in right-handed patients and on the left side in left-handed patients. Hence, it is seen more often on the right than the left side.
References 1. 2. The Deep Clavicular Rhomboid Fossa. Clinical Significance and Incidence in 10,000 Routine Chest Photofluorograms: JAMA. 1966;195(9):778-779. doi:10.1001/jama.1966.03100090112031