Age / Sex : 47 / F
C.C: Pelvic pain/ Back pain
PHx: Underlying SLE and antiphospholipid syndrome Left temporal lobe의 acute cerebral infarction으로 입원 입원 중 fever와 pancytopenia 지속되었고 hemophagocytic lymphohistocytosis (HLH) 진단되어 chemotherapy 시행. 입원후 한달후부터 both pelvic pain/back pain 호소
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Courtesy : 이승훈 (Seunghun Lee), 한양대학교병원 (Hanyang University Hospital) Diagnosis: Osteonerosis
Osteonerosis The death of marrow elements and osteocytes due to compromise of vascularity of the bone. - Avascular necrosis : subchondral bone of an epiphysis involvement - Bone infarct : diaphyseal or metaphyseal involvement
MRI findings Enhanced area : T1 low SI, T2 intermediate to high SI Nonenhnaced area : T1/T2 low SI - Histologic correlation : enhanced and nonenhanced areas corresponded respectively to viable and necrotic tissue.
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) A rare and potentially life-threatening disorder that affects the immune system. Charaterized by hemophagocytosis within the marrow, uncontrolled activation of T cells and macrophages, and overproduction of inflammatory cytokine
References Vande Berg, B et al. Radiology vol. 182,2 (1992): 445-504