Weekly Case

Title : Case 822

Age / Sex : 60 / F

Chief complaint : Newly noted bone lesion on follow up Chest CT

thymoma, type B2 + B1
- s/p Total thymectomy with pericardium, innominate vein and SVC resection (2020-08-06)
- SVC reconstruction with PTFE 14mm graft, pericardium reconstruction with Gore-Tex membrane

What is your diagnosis?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagonosis with a brief discussion of this case (Please submit only one answer)

Courtesy : 최자영 (Ja-Young Choi), 서울대병원(Seoul National University Hospital)


Vanishing bone metastases


Newly noted small radio-opaque nodular lesions in the C6-C7-T1 vertebral bodies on FU CT scan.
No demonstrable focal bone marrow signal abnormalities on MRI

1. Kara M, Pradel C, Phan C, Miquel A, Arrivé L. CT Features of Vertebral Venous Congestion Simulating Sclerotic Metastases in Nine Patients With Thrombosis of the Superior Vena Cava. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2016;207(1):80-6.
2. Thomas N, Oliver TB, Sudarshan T. Vanishing bone metastases--a pitfall in the interpretation of contrast enhanced CT in patients with superior vena cava obstruction. Br J Radiol. 2011;84(1005):e176-8.
3. Fukamizu EMN, Seabra A, Otto DY, Sawamura MVY, Bordalo-Rodrigues M, Helito PVP. Vanishing bone metastasis: pictorial essay. Radiol Bras. 2021;54(5):336-340.

Correct Answer
Total applicants 28 Correct answers 9
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Semi-Correct Answer
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