Weekly Case

Title : Case 819

Age / Sex : 43 / M

Chief complaint : increasing lower back mass (onset 2YA)
PMHx. : HTN (+), ESRD on hemodialysis

What is your diagnosis?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagonosis with a brief discussion of this case (Please submit only one answer)

Courtesy : 이영준(Eugene Lee), 분당서울대병원(Seoul National University Bundang Hospital)


Tumoral Calcinosis or Tumoral calcinosis-like metastatic calcification


Disease definition
- radiodense periarticular masses caused by dystrophic calcification in soft tissue
- painless, firm, tumor-like masses around the joints that may lead to joint function
limitation specially when the large size
- m/c involvement site: periarticular upper limb (shoulder, elbow), hip regions, spine,
temporomandibular joint, metacarpals, popliteal space
- Cause : complication of renal dialysis, familial (befor age 20)

1) Plain radiograph
Tumoral calcinosis has a typical appearance on plain radiographs with amorphous and multi-lobulated ("cloud-like") calcification
located in a periarticular distribution.
2) CT
CT better delineates the calcific mass
there is no erosion or osseous destruction by the adjacent soft-tissue masses which is another distinguishing finding of tumoral
calcinosis from other pathologies or tumor
it may show cystic appearance with multiple fluid-calcium levels caused by calcium layering (Sedimentation sign)
3) MRI
These lesions typically demonstrate T1 hypointense signal on MRI.
There is variable T2 signal, which may be hypo- or hyperintense despite the high amount of calcium.

1) Tumoral Calcinosis: Pearls, Polemics, and Alternative Possibilities (2006)
Radiographics 26(3):871-85, DOI:10.1148/rg.263055099
2) Review of tumoral calcinosis: A rare clinico-pathological entity (2014)
World J Clin Cases, 16; 2(9): 409–414, doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v2.i9.409

Correct Answer
Total applicants 32 Correct answers 20
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  • 관리자 ( 2023-03-14 18:00:22 )
    출제하신 선생님께 문의 드린 결과 tumoral calcinosis-like metastatic calcification도 정답 처리하였습니다. 문의 주셔서 감사드립니다.

  • 김성진 ( 2023-03-13 18:10:29 )
    Tumoral calcinosis-like metastatic calcification은 안되는 건가요?
