Weekly Case

Title : Case 789

Age / Sex : 22 / M

Chief complaint : Palpable nodule at Lt anterior lower leg

What is your diagnosis?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagonosis with a brief discussion of this case (Please submit only one answer).

Courtesy : 이승은, Seungeun Lee, 가톨릭대학교 서울성모병원, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital


Muscle hernia



1.Accentuated lesion under contraction of the involved muscle

2.USG; mushroom shaped hypoechoic mass protrusion over fascial defect

3.MRI; possible visualization and quantification of fascial defect


1.Sharma N, Kumar N, Verma R, Jhobta A. Tibialis Anterior Muscle Hernia: A Case of Chronic, Dull Pain and Swelling in Leg Diagnosed by Dynamic Ultrasonography. Pol J Radiol. 2017 May 31;82:293-295. 

2.Khaladkar SM., Kondapavuluri SK., Kamal A., Kalra R., Kamal V., Detection of Myofascial Herniation on Dynamic Sonography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Case Reports in Radiology, 2016, 4245189.

3.Mellado J.M., Pérez del Palomar L. Muscle hernias of the lower leg: MRI findings. Skeletal Radiol. 1999 Aug;28(8):465-9. 

Correct Answer
Total applicants 43 Correct answers 42
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