Weekly Case

Title : Case 585

Age / Sex : 14 / M

Age / Sex : 14 / Male

Chief complaint : Knee pain

What is your impression?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagonosis with a brief discussion of this case (Please submit only one answer).

Courtesy : 
Wan Tae Kim, Veterans Health Service Medical Center




Answer:  Accessory third head of the gastrocnemius



Axial T2-weighted MR image shows a thick band like muscular structure arising near the midline of the distal femur and coursing anterolateral toe the popliteal vessels.

Coronal PD-weighted MR image shows a third head of gastrocnemius lateral to the popliteal vessels and medial to the lateral head of the gastrocnemius.

Sagittal T2-weighted MR image shows the aberrant third head which will join the lateral head more distally.



Accessory third head of the gastrocnemius



The third head of the gastrocnemius was initially described in 1813 by Kelch.

The third head of the gastrocnemius which joins the medial aspect of the lateral head is a not uncommon finding on MR examinations of the knee.

The frequency of third head of the gastrocnemius within the population is estimated to be between 2.9% and 5.5%.

The size of the third head may be quite variable, ranging from a small threadlike muscle to a large bulky muscle.

An anomalous slip of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius originating from the midline posterior cortex of the distal femoral metaphysis can cause popliteal vascular entrapment.




  1. Koplas MC, Grooff P, Piraino D, Recht M. Third head of the gastrocnemius: an MR imaging study based on 1,039 consecutive knee examinations. Skeletal Radiol.2009 Apr;38(4):349-54.

  2. Bergman RA, Walker CW, el-Khour GY. The third head of gastrocnemius in CT images. Ann Anat. 1995 May;177(3):291-4.

Correct Answer
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