Weekly Case

Title : Case 567

Age / Sex : 32 / F

Chief complaint : Right wrist pain

What is your diagnosis, and what structure is the white arrow pointing to?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagonosis with a brief discussion of this case (Please submit only one answer).


Answer: Madelung deformity with Vickers ligament.




1) ulnar and volar curvature of the distal radius,

2) increased inclination of the distal radius

3) triangulation of the carpus with proximal migration of the lunate


 A hypointense band-like structure is noted bridging between the ulnar border of the radius and the lunate on both coronal and sagittal T2-weighted image, the so called Vickers ligament.


Differential Diagnosis: .





Madelung deformity is caused by an arrest of epiphyseal growth of the ulnar and volar portion of the distal radius, which leads to dorsal and radial bowing of the radius. It can be bilateral in 50-66% of patients. Females are more commonly affected than males.


Radiographs show radial and volar bowing of the distal radius, increased volar tilt of the distal radial articular surface, and an exaggerated ulnar tilt of the distal radius.and a widened distal radioulnar joint, The carpal bones wedge into the triangular deformity created by the distal radius, creating a V-shaped configuration.


Madelung deformity is treated conservatively if asymptomatic. Surgical correction may be needed in symptomatic cases (i.e. physiolysis with release of Vickers ligament, radial corrective osteotomy with or without distal ulnar shortening osteotomy, DRUJ arthroplasty)






  1. Kim, H. K. (2009). Madelung deformity with Vickers ligament. Pediatric radiology39(11), 1251

  2. Stehling, C., Langer, M., Nassenstein, I., Bachmann, R., Heindel, W., & Vieth, V. (2009). High resolution 3.0 Tesla MR imaging findings in patients with bilateral Madelung’s deformity. Surgical and radiologic anatomy31(7), 551-557

  3. Kozin, S. H., & Zlotolow, D. A. (2015). Madelung deformity. Journal of Hand Surgery40(10), 2090-2098.

  4. Dubey, A., Fajardo, M., Green, S., & Lee, S. K. (2010). Madelung’s deformity: a review. Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume), 35(3), 174-181.

Correct Answer
Total applicants 37 Correct answers 26
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  • 관리자 ( 2018-05-08 18:46:33 )
    1. Madelung deformity와 Vicker ligament 둘 중 하나만 쓰신 경우 또는 맞으신 경우 semi-correct answer로 하였습니다. 양해부탁드립니다.

    2. Vicker ligament, radiolunate ligament, radiotriquetral ligament 모두 정답으로 하였습니다.

    3. 정답자 중에서 한분이 이름과 소속이 없습니다. 혹시 2018년 4월 25일 오전 10시 30분 입력하신 분 누구신가요? 확인 부탁드립니다. 이 분이 아마도 Case 566도 응모하셨던 거 같은데요. case 566은 정답이 아니었습니다.
    [Weekly case][의견] Case 567 정답 : madelung deformity with vickers ligament 2018-04-25 10:30:37
