Weekly Case

Title : Case 564

Age / Sex : 52 / M

Chief complaint :

Sore throat, swallowing difficulty X 1 day ago

What is your impression?
Two weeks later, you can see the final diagonosis with a brief discussion of this case (Please submit only one answer).

Courtesy of Hahn Seok, Inje University college of medicine, Haeundae Paik Hospital



Calcific tendinitis of longus colli muscle


1) C-spine Lateral view

Lateral view shows diffuse prevertebral soft tissue thickening with subtle calcification at the anterior aspect of C2.

2) T1WI, T2WI, T1FCE sagittal MR images

 T1WI, T2WI and T1WI fat-suppression contrast enhanced sagittal MR show diffuse soft tissue swelling at C1-5 pre-vertebral space with irregular T1 and T2 low signal intensity lesion at anterior aspect of C2. There is no fracture of cervical vertebrae and remarkable bone marrow signal change in cervical spine.

Differential Diagnosis:

  1. retropharyngeal abscess

  2. trauma


Calcific tendinitis of the longus colli muscle is caused by deposition of calcium hydroxylase apatite crystals at the C1-C2 and rarely C5-C6 vertebral levels in the 3rd to 6th decades. Patients are often misdiagnosed with retropharyngeal abscess because they have similar symptoms and imaging findings; however, calcific tendinitis of the longus colli muscle often develops suddenly. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or a brief course of steroids are treatment options. Amorphous calcifications may be seen on radiographs and CT. CT may provide a more accurate estimate of the calcific tendinitis of the longus colli muscle rather than radiograph. On CT, amorphous calcifications are typically seen in the superior fibers of the longus colli muscle tendons at the C1-C2 level. The characteristic findings on CT are a fluid collection in the retropharyngeal space without or with minimal contrast enhancement. MRI will easily demonstrate the prevertebral edema, however, the delicate care should be taken to detect the calcification deposition.



AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1998 Oct;19(9):1789-92.

Eur J Radiol. 2016 Jul;85(7):1247-56.

Correct Answer
Total applicants 32 Correct answers 21
Name Institution
서지운 전문의
전성희 전문의
김미선 전문의
박재일 대구 척탑병원, 전문의
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박서영 전문의
이혜란 전문의
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김민선 인하대병원, 전문의
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전인환 전문의
송윤아 전문의
조은경 새움병원, 전문의
장민영 국민건강보험공단 일산병원, 전문의
강지희 서울대학교병원, 전공의
김동찬 단국대학교 병원, 전공의
Semi-Correct Answer
Total applicants 32 Semi-Correct answers 6
김동환 서울아산병원, 전문의
박선영 한림대학교 성심병원, 전문의
노근탁 전문의
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김민철 군복무, 전문의
이지현 삼성서울병원, 전문의

  • 관리자 ( 2018-04-16 21:41:15 )
    calcific tendinitis와 longus colli가 모두 들어간 경우 'correct answer'로 하였습니다.
    둘 중 하나만 들어가거나 'longus coli'와 같이 철자가 틀린 경우 'semi-correct answer'로 하였습니다.
