Weekly Case

Title : Case 557

Age / Sex : 55 / M

Chief complaint :

Slowly progressive sensory loss and weakness of both feet

What is your impression?
Two weeks later, you can see the final diagonosis with a brief discussion of this case (Please submit only one answer).

Courtesy of Sang-Hee Choi, Sungkyunkwan University, Samsung Medical Center



POEMS syndrome


  1.  Multiple osteosclerotic lesions at scanne d whole spines.

  1. Multiple T1 hypointense foci at L5 and both iliac bone.

  2. Hepatosplenomegaly on abdomen CT.

Differential Diagnosis:

  • multiple myeloma,

  • osteoblastic bone metastasis,

  • lymphoma


 Axonal dominant polyneuropathy on EMG


Monoclonal gammopathy on bone marrow biopsy

Skin color change and hyperpigmentation



Correct Answer
Total applicants 28 Correct answers 21
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