Weekly Case

Title : Case 17

Age / Sex : 67 / F

C.C.: Pain in the left arm

1) What is your impression?

2) A first impression and three or less differential diagnoses are acceptable.

Courtesy : Seoung-Oh Yang, MD., Eulji University College of Medicine


multiple myeloma (plasmablastic type)


1) Osteolytic lesion in the left radial shaft and both clavicle (fractured right clavicle).
2) MRI: intramedullary mass with cortical erosion and heterogenous intermediate SI on T1WI and T2WI in the midshaft of the left radius.
3) PET/CT shows abnormal FDG uptakes in the left radial shaft, both clavicle and L 1, 2 vertebral bodies.

Differential Diagnosis:
- Multiple myeloma, - Metastasis, - Langerhans cell histicytosis (Histiocytosis-X)

Diagnosis: Multiple myeloma

 Myeloma is cancer of the plasma cells in the bone marrow and destroys bone, causing pain or the collapse of bones. It is well known that standard bone scanning (with Tc-99m methylene diphosphonate) is relatively insensitive in the detection of the lesions of multiple myeloma compared with standard radiography. Durie and colleagues examined the utility of FDG-PET scanning in distinguishing multiple myeloma from MGUS. Of the untreated patients with known multiple myeloma, 21 of 21 had positive FDG studies, including 5 patients who had negative radiographs and 5 in whom new sites of extramedullary hematopoiesis were found. PET scans were believed to be particularly useful in patients with nonsecretory variants of myeloma. Skull radiography taken after PET/CT with suspicion of multiple myeolma revealed several characteristic punched-out lesions.

1. Durie BG, Waxman AD, D'Agnolo A, et al. Whole body FDG-PET scanning identifies high risk myeloma. J Nucl Med. 2002;43:31P.
2. M. A. Bredella, L. Steinbach, G. Caputo, G. Segall, and R. Hawkins. Value of FDG PET in the Assessment of Patients with Multiple Myeloma Am. J. Roentgenol.. 2005; 184: 1199 - 1204

Correct Answer
Name Institution
문태용 (정답) : 부산대병원
성미숙 (정답) : 가톨릭대 성가병원
강수진 (정답) : 삼천포 제일의원
오배근 (정답) : 인제대학교 일산백병원 전공의
심수연 (정답) : 경희의료원 영상의학과 전공의
박소영 (감별진단 정답) : 경희의료원 전공의
김성준 (감별진단 정답) : 한양대 구리병원
황지영 (감별진단 정답) : 이대목동병원

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