Weekly Case

Title : Case 490

Age / Sex : 76 / F

Chief complaint : Right lower leg pain

Past medical history : 

Right tibia operation, due to osteomyelitis

Right tibia OP site dressing, due to
pus discharge since 7~8 years ago

What is your impression? 

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of this case. (Please submit only one answer)

Courtesy: , Sun Joo Lee, Inje University Busan Paik Hospital


Marjolin’s ulcer (Ulcerating squamous cell carcinoma)



Radiograph images
a mass like opacity with periosteal reaction and cortical
disruption in peritibial area of mid portion of right lower leg

MR images
heterogeneous hyperintense ulcerative protruding mass on T2WI and  hypointense on T1WI in pretibial area of mid
portion of right lower leg.

Gd enhanced
T1WI shows an infiltrative mass that extends from surface to bone marrow of mid
shaft of tibia. Tumor shows heterogeneous good enhancement


Diagnosis: Marjolins ulcer (Ulcerating squamous cell


Differential Diagnosis: Osteomyelitis with abscess and skin ulcer



Term marjolin ulcer refers to carcinomas arising from
chronically inflamed, or scarred skin.

incidence of marjolin ulcer is
1.2 to 2 % of skin cancers. The average age at diagnosis
is in the fifth decade of life with a range of 18–84 years, and men are three
times more frequently affected than women.
The majority
of reported cases are squamous cell carcinoma, but other types of malignancies
such as basal cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, liposarcoma, osteosarcoma,
adenocarcinoma, and fibrosarcoma can also be seen, although they are rare. Most
lesions of Marjolin’s ulcer occur on the extremities (60%), with ulcers on the
head and face occurring less frequently (30%) and those on the trunk the least
frequent at 10%.

A multidisciplinary approach
is necessary in these patients when considering further workup for metastatic
disease, including MRI and CT to evaluate soft tissue and bone, along with
appropriate lymph node surveillance and dissection when necessary. Radiography
provides information about periosteal reaction. The most valuable study in
these patients is MRI because it shows the margins and extent of destruction
well. Wide excision (surgical margin of at least 2 cm) together with skin
grafting is usually considered appropriate in the treatment of Marjolin’s ulcer



1.     Kuo-Hsien Chiang1, Andy Shau-Bin
Chou1, Yung-Hsiang Hsu1, Sea-Kiat Lee1, Chau-Chin Lee1, Pao-Sheng Yen1, Chang-Ming
Ling1, Wei-Hsing Lee1, Chao-Chun Lin1 and Pau-Yang
Chang1, Marjolin's Ulcer: MR
Appearance, AJR 2006;186: 819-820

Smith J1, Mello LF, Nogueira Neto NC, Meohas W, Pinto LW, Campos VA, Barcellos MG, Fiod NJ,Rezende JF, Cabral CE. Malignancy in chronic ulcers and scars of the leg
(Marjolin's ulcer): a study of 21 patients. Skeletal Radiol. 2001 Jun;30(6):331-7.

Correct Answer
Name Institution
Total applicants:37
Correct answers:29
장휘영:군의관, 전공의
김영미:삼성창원병원, 전문의
이혜란:석병원, 전문의
김동환:군의관, 전문의
윤유성:구례병원 공보의, 전문의
박준동:뿌리병원, 전문의
김태형:건국대학교병원, 전문의
김지민:순천향대 천안병원, 전공의
박선영:한림대병원, 전문의
이하종:부산춘해병원, 전문의
박지원:대구참튼튼병원, 전문의
김유진:인하대병원, 전문의
이진영:관악 사랑의 병원, 전공의
이지현:병무청, 전문의
윤성현:분당서울대학교병원, 전공의
노근탁:중앙보훈병원, 전공의
김완태:중앙보훈병원, 전문의
박성훈:아주대학교병원, 전문의
이동준:분당차병원, 전공의
이승현:세브란스 병원, 전문의
염동헌:세명병원, 전문의
박주일:서울대학교병원, 전공의
김보람:서울대병원, 전공의
하종수:샘병원, 전문의
안태란:서울의료원, 전공의
김주원:중앙보훈병원, 전공의
최희석:나사렛국제병원, 전문의
최문환:새움병원, 전문의
김혜린:참병원, 전문의
Semi-correct answers:2
한유비:가톨릭중앙의료원, 전공의
김찬호:영도병원, 전문의
