Weekly Case

Title : Case 449

Age / Sex : 52 / F

Age / Sex :  52/F

Chief complaint : Neck Pain

What is your impression? 

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of this case.

(Please submit only one answer)

Courtesy : Eugene Lee, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital


Calcific Tendinitis of Longus Colli muscle



1)  C-spine Lateral view

    : C-spine
Lateral view showed diffuse pre-vertebral soft tissue thickening with focal
calcified lesion at anterior aspect of C2 (black arrow)


2)  MR – 1, 2, 3

: MRI sagittal scan with T1, T2 and
T1 fs enhanced images showed diffuse soft tissue swelling with enhancement at
C1~5 pre-vertebral space with irregular T1 and T2 low signal intensity lesion
at anterior aspect of C2. There was no remarkable bone marrow signal
abnormality at cervical spine.


Differential Diagnosis: none


Calcific Tendinitis of Longus Colli muscle




[Calcific Tendinitis of Longus Colli muscle]

Acute inflammatory condition of the longus colli tendon, which is
related to calcium hydroxyapatite deposition in the superior oblique fibers of
the longus colli muscle.



acute onset of neck pain progressing over a period of several days

neck stiffness with odynophagia and dysphagia

low grade fever, leukocytosis



       Pre-vertebral swelling

       Amorphous calcification anterior to
the C2 vertebral body



       Preferred imaging modality for



       Inflammation involving and
surrounding the longus colli muscle.


Tx. :  conservative management.




 The British Journal of Radiology
2009;82:117-121, Neurology 2011;76;e81

Correct Answer
Name Institution
Total applicants:25
Correct answers:23
전성희:중앙보훈병원, 전공의
이혜란:석병원, 전문의
김동환:분당제생병원, 전공의
이승훈:한양대병원, 전문의
신재환:서울백병원, 전공의
김현수:병무청, 전문의
송윤아:한양대병원, 전문의
이지현:병무청, 전문의
강건우:군의관, 전문의
박주일:서울대학교병원, 전공의
박지원:대구참튼튼병원, 전문의
남보다:서울순천향대학병원, 전공의
이호석:경북대학교병원, 전공의
이승현:세브란스병원, 전문의
임영희:건국대학교병원, 전공의
신윤상:인하대병원, 전공의
김성관:수도병원, 전문의
이지은:안산예스병원, 전문의
박상옥:안산21세기병원, 전문의
전선경:서울대학교병원, 전공의
최희석:나사렛국제병원, 전문의
이승민:단국대병원, 전공의
하종수:안양샘병원, 전문의
Semi-correct answer:1
구민철:고려대학교 구로병원, 전공의
