Weekly Case

Title : case 441

Age / Sex : 66 / M

Chief complaint: Arthralgia in hand

( Clinical Hx : The patient works in the freezer and carries a cold chicken)

What is your impression?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of this case.

(Please submit only one answer)




Courtesy: Yeo Ju Kim, Inha University Hospital


Frostbite arthritis



 In hand radiographs, there are joint space narrowings, osteophytosis, subchondral scleroses, subchnodral cysts, joint destructions, and erosions are seen at right 3,4,5th DIP joints, and left 3,4th DIP joints and left 5th PIP joints (more severe in left side). Soft tissue swelling is seen at DIP joints of left 3rd and 4th fingers. The left 5th finger shows flexion deformity in its PIP joint, and extension deformity in its DIP joint. There are solid periosteal reactions in both radial and ulnar aspect of the left 3rd and 4th middle phalanx near the DIP joints. The 1st MCP and IP joints of both thumbs are spared.

Differential Diagnosis:

 Erosive osteoarthritis /simple osteoarthritis without related to frostbite

Neuropathic arthritis

 Psoriatic arthritis

 Thermal/electrical burn


Frostbite arthritis



l  A thermal injury resulting in localized tissue damage due to inadequate blood circulation when the ambient temperature is below freezing.

l  The interval between the injury and presentation of symptoms: from 5 months to decades.

l  Pathophysiology

n  Unclear

n  Might be related to cellular injury and necrosis from the freezing and rewarming processes themselves or from the vascular insufficiency

l  Radiographic finding

n  Radiographic findings are caused by the insult to the hyaline cartilage and subchondral ischemic bone change (bone infarction)

n  The distal joints are more likely to be affected by the ischemic component.

n  Sparing of the thumb is characteristic, although not invariable, and can be attributed to clenching of the fist with the thumb clasped in the palm during cold exposure. 

n  Early findings (not seen in this case):

u  Osteoporosis

u  soft tissue swelling

u  loss of soft tissue especially in the tip of the digit

n  Later findings

u  Osteoporosis

u  Periostitis

u  Deformity and deviation

u  Tuft resorption of terminal phalanges (not seen in this case)

u  Large, multiple subchondral cysts, probably consecutive to bone infarcts

è  helps in differentiating frostbite arthritis from osteoarthritis.

u  Due to the cartilage damage, erosive osteoarthritis developed with joint destruction, osteophytosis, subchondral sclerosis, and joint space narrowing

n  In children (not in this case)

u  fragmention, destruction and disappearance of epipyseal center

u  prematurephyseal fusion

u  Brachydactyly

u  early osteoarthritis

u  juxta-articular cysts, periosteitis, osteoporosis



  1. Resnick D . Thermal and electrical injuries. In: Diagnosis of bone and joint disorders. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1995:3264–75.

  2. Glick R , Parhami N. Frostbite arthritis. J Rheumatol1979;6:456–60.

  3. Turner M , Smith RW. Unusual and memorable. Erosive nodal osteoarthritis after frostbite. Ann Rheum Dis1998;57:271.

  4. Kemp SS, Dalinka MK, Schumacher HR. Acro-osteolysis. Etiologic and radiological considerations. JAMA1986;255:2058–61.

  5. Murphy JV, Banwell PE, Roberts AH, McGrouther DA. Frostbite: pathogenesis and treatment. J Trauma2000;48:171–8.

  6.  Chan WY, Moonesamy V , Devaraj V   Osteoarthritis after cold injuries Eur J Plast Surg (2014) 37:509–512.

  7. J E KahnO LidoveJ D LaredoO Blétry Frostbite arthritis Ann Rheum Dis 2005;64:966-967 doi:10.1136/ard.2004.02796

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