Title : case 429 |
Age / Sex : 42 / M
Chief complaint: Right ankle dorsiflexion loss (onset: 3 months ago) Rigth knee pain, extending to ankle and toes
Courtesy: Seun Ah Lee, Korea university medical center Ansan hospital
Diagnosis: Intraneural ganglion cyst of peroneal nerve DiscussionFindings: Multiple, lobulating lesions are located along the course of the common peroneal nerve and its articular branch, with bright high SI. A connection between this lesion and proximal tibiofibular joint are suspected. Differential Diagnosis: Extraneural ganglion cyst Diagnosis: Intraneural ganglion cyst of peroneal nerve Discussion: Intraneural ganglion cyst is rare mucinous cyst within the epineurium of the peripheral nerves. It is uncommon occurrence of the peripheral nervers, the most common type is the peroneal intraneural ganglion cyst. Other reported sites of involvement are the radial, ulnar, medial, sciatic , tibial and posterior interosseous nerves. Numerous explanation have been proposed for the pathogenesis of the intraneural cyst. But the unifying articular theory is that mucinous cysts that are thought to arise when joint fluid dissects into an articular branch of a nerve through a capsular tear. The most common location for intraneural ganglion cyst is the peroneal nerve near the fibular neck. Three MRI signs have been described; (1) The transverse limb sign: this refers to the appearance of the articular nerve branch as it transversely crosses over the anterior surface of the fibular neck. This is said to be pathognomonic. (2) The signet ring sign: this refers to the eccentric displacement of fascicles by the cyst within the outer epineurium of the common peroneal nerve. Commonly seen, this sign may be abscent when there is limited proximal extension of the cyst. (3) The tail sign: this refers to a cystic connection between the articular branch of the common peroneal nerve and the joint. Due to low spatial resolution, differentiation of a neural from a non-neural connection to the joint is often not possible. References: (1) The clock face guide to peroneal intraneural ganglia: critical "times" and sites for accurate diagnosis. Skeletal Radiol. 2008 Dec;37(12):1091-9. (2) Peripheral nerve interneural ganglion cysts: MR findings in three cases. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 1998 Jul-Aug;22(4):629-32. |
Correct Answer | |
Name | Institution |
이름:소속병원 | |
Total Applicants: 35 | |
Correct answers:30 | |
전성희:중앙보훈병원 | |
임봉국:한양대병원 | |
김동환:분당제생병원 | |
양지연:오병원 | |
이선영:ks병원 | |
이혜란:석병원 | |
정수진:세계로 365병원 | |
윤수정:강동성심병원 | |
박지원:대구참튼튼병원 | |
박선영:한림대병원 | |
조재용:아주대학교 | |
이지숙:순천향대 부천병원 | |
이승현:세브란스병원 | |
이경진:강동경희대병원 | |
최마리아:예병원 | |
이지은:안산 예스병원 | |
이승민:단국대병원 | |
김성관:국군수도병원 | |
박주용:인하대병원 | |
한유비:가톨릭성모병원 | |
최현진:인하대병원 | |
신윤상:인하대병원 | |
민지혜:삼성서울병원 | |
우아름:인하대병원 | |
최희석:나사렛국제병원 | |
이지현:병무청 | |
길은경:순천향대부천병원 | |
송윤아:한양대학교 서울병원 | |
강건우:군의관 | |
김정례:단국대학교 병원 |
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