Title : case 422 |
Age / Sex : 63 / F
Chief complaint: Right lower extremity weakness. PHx> IM injection in NSAIDS 10 days ago
Courtesy: Sheen Woo Lee, Gachon University
Diagnosis: Sciatic nerve injury DiscussionFindings: Diffuse swelling and T2-hyperintensity, enhancement, right sciatic nerve. Differential Diagnosis: 1) Sciatic neuropathy , 2) Sciatic nerve injury Diagnosis: Sciatic nerve injection injury Discussion: Overall incidence unknown Common complication following intramuscular injection, the most frequently affected nerve, especially in children, elderly Symptoms of sciatic neuropathy depend on the level of injury Cause: direct needle trauma, secondary compression by scar tissue, by accumulation of the injected drug within the spaces where the sciatic nerve travels Diagnosis Clinical examination, magnetic resonance, imaging and electromyography MR: increased signal intensity on T2-weighted images of injured nerves Treatment : Conservative management. Surgical exploration: complete deficit of the tibial or peroneal distributions without signs of clinical or electromyographical recovery within 3–6 months References: J Int Med Res. 2014 Jun 11;42(4):887-897 RadioGraphics 2010; 30:983–1000 Br J Radiol. 2010 Sep;83(993):791-803 |
Correct Answer | |
Name | Institution |
이름:소속병원 | |
Total Applicants: 30 | |
Correct answers:26 | |
전성희:중앙보훈병원 | |
이지현:병무청 | |
이혜란:석병원 | |
신재환:서울백병원 | |
강건우:군의관 | |
송윤아:한양대학교 서울병원 | |
이지숙:순천향대 부천병원 | |
권소이:삼성서울병원 | |
임봉국:한양대병원 | |
최승희:삼성 서울병원 | |
김혜원:여의도성모병원 | |
박선영:한림대성심병원 | |
이다비:단국대병원 | |
신윤상:인하대병원 | |
오정화:여의도성모병원 | |
이승현:세브란스병원 | |
이승민:단국대병원 | |
민지혜:SMC | |
윤유성:전라남도 공중보건의 | |
조재용:아주대학교병원 | |
김정례:단국대학교병원 | |
정수진:세계로 365병원 | |
윤수정:강동성심병원 | |
채희동:서울대병원 | |
최희석:나사렛국제병원 | |
김성관:국군수도병원 |
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