Title : case 419 |
Age / Sex : 59 / M
Chief complaint: A palpable mass on the volar aspect of right hand
What is your impression?
Courtesy: Yun Sun Choi, Eulji Hospital, Eulji University
Diagnosis: Palmar fibromatosis DiscussionFindings: Axial T1-weighted and T2-weighted fat-suppressed MR images show an oval mass of low to intermediate signal intensity. Sagittal T1-weighted MR image depicts a lesion along the palmar aponeurosis. Sagittal T2-weighted MR image reveals the parallel orientation to the flexor tendon to which it is attached at the level of the second metacarpal head. Differential Diagnosis: 1. Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma 2. Fibroma of tendon sheath 3. GCTTS Diagnosis: Palmar fibromatosis Discussion: Fibromatosis arising from the palmar aponeurosis and its extensor is referred to as Dupuytren contracture or Dupuytren disease. Palmar fibromatosis affects 1 % to 2 % of the general population and its incidence significantly increases with age. Bilateral involvement is seen 40% to 60%. Patients typically present with a slowly progressive subcutaneous nodules to cord-like mass in the palm of the hand, at the level of the distal palmar crease (4th>5th>3rd>2nd rays). Lesions may cause traction on the underlying flexor tendons, resulting in flexion contractures of the digits (Dupuytren contractures). Palmar fibromatosis is hypervascular, hypoechoic on sonography and low to intermediate signal on all MR imaging pulse sequences. Post-contrast MR imaging often reveals diffuse enhancement of variable degree. Surgical release/resection is the treatment of choice, although early lesions are to be avoided as the local increased recurrence. MR imaging may be helpful for planning the optimal timing of surgical treatment of palmar fibromatosis, given that mature collagenous lesions with relatively low signal intensity on T2-weighted images may be less likely to locally recur than are more cellular lesions with higher signal intensity on T2-weighted images. References: 1. Kransdorf MJ, Murphey MD. Imaging of soft tissue tumors, 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2014:267-270 2. Murphey MD, Ruble CM, Tyszko SM, Zbojniewicz AM, Potter BK, Miettinen M. From the archives of the AFIP: musculoskeletal fibromatoses: radiologic-pathologic correlation. Radiographics 2009;29(7):2143-2173 3. Robbin MR, Murphey MD, Temple HT, Kransdorf MJ, Choi JJ. Imaging of musculoskeletal fibromatosis. Radiographics 2001;21(3):585-600 |
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이름:소속병원 | |
Total Applicants: 33 | |
Correct answers:1 | |
이승민:단국대병원 | |
Semi-correct answers:30 | |
전성희:중앙보훈병원 | |
이혜란:석병원 | |
신재환:서울백병원 | |
윤유성:전라남도 공보의 | |
이광진:공중 보건의 | |
양지연:오병원 | |
김동환:분당제생병원 | |
최마리아:예병원 | |
이승현:세브란스병원 | |
윤민아:고대구로병원 | |
신윤상:인하대병원 | |
강건우:군의관 | |
우아름:인하대병원 | |
최현진:인하대병원 | |
박선영:한림대 | |
이택기:인하대병원 | |
이철민:한양대병원 | |
임봉국:한양대병원 | |
윤수정:강동성심병원 | |
김유진:인하대병원 | |
김지현:하이병원 | |
김성관:국군수도병원 | |
이선영:KS병원 | |
김정례:단국대학교병원 | |
신가혜:한양대병원 | |
송윤아:한양대학교 서울병원 | |
길은경:순천향대 부천병원 | |
조신영:웰튼병원 | |
이지숙:순천향 부천병원 |
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