Weekly Case

Title : case 406

Age / Sex : 68 / M

Chief complaint: Right lateral hand weakness without sensory deficit

What is your impression?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of this case.

(Please submit only one answer)




Courtesy: Sang Hee Choi, Samsung medical center Seoul hospital


Entrapment of the deep motor branch of the ulnar nerve.(Cyclist’s palsy)



 On axial T2 weighted and proton density weighted image, the signal intensity of right adductor pollicis muscle and flexor pollicis brevis muscle, palmar and dorsal intraosseus muscle increase comparing with other hand muscle. These muscles are innervated by deep motor branch of ulnar nerve. But there is no space occupying lesion along ulnar nerve tract and guyon’s canal.


Differential Diagnosis:


Diagnosis: Entrapment of the deep motor branch of the ulnar nerve.(Cyclist’s palsy)



<Ulnar nerve entrapment at wrist>

1)     Pathophysiology : Nerve is stretched around the pisohamate ligament with hand extension, making it vulnerable to external compression or laceration

2)     Causes : Ganglia, lipomas ; anomalies of ligaments or muscles; ulnar artery aneurysms; fractures of the radius, pisiform bone, hook of the hamate ; chronic repetitive trauma, called cyclist’s palsy

3)     Clinical manifestation

      Type 1 : Proximal to the Guyon canal

               Sensory loss combined with weakness of all ulnar intrinsic hand muscles

      Type 2 : Deep motor branch in a location immediately distal to bifurcation

               All ulnar intrinsic hand muscles but produces no sensory loss

      Type 3 : Deep motor branch in a location distal to the hypothenar branches

               Interosseous and lumbrical muscles but spares the hypothenar muscles

      Type 4 : Superficial branch

               Sensory loss without weakness

4)     MR Findings

The normal ulnar nerve : best identified on T1WI, appearing as a round or oval low SI structure in the Guyon canal that is surrounded by fat


Diffuse swelling (intermediate signal) or enlargement of nerve.

MRI can help identifing mass (usually with hyperintense signal) such as ganglion cyst, aneurysm, fracture, anomalous muscle.

Indirect evidences include muscular denervation edema or atrophy depending on the site of the lesion.





RadioGraphics 2010; 30:1373–1400

RadioGraphics 2006; 26:1267–1287



Correct Answer
Name Institution
Total Applicants: 11
Correct answers:2
송윤아:한양대학교 서울병원
최희석:나사렛 국제병원
Semi-correct answers:5
