Title : case 374 |
Age / Sex : 59 / M Chief complaint: Right heel pain with hard protuberance (2YA) Courtesy: 양 익 (Ik Yang), 한림대학교 강남성심병원 (Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital Hallym University) Diagnosis: Haglund's deformity with Achilles tendinosis & retrocalcaneal bursitis DiscussionFindings: <Plain film> Figure 2-a) On plain radiograph of the right lateral foot, bony prominence and soft tissue swelling are seen on postero-superior aspect of the right calcaneal tuberosity. Figure 2-b) Post operative (ostectomy and Achilles tendon repair) plain radiograph <MRI> Figure 3. Right foot MRI a) T1W sagittal, b) FS T2W sagittal, c) PD coronal About 2.6x1.1x1.6cm bony spur at postero-superior of the calcaneus (Haglund deformity) which causes an overlying bursitis & tendinosis of the Achilles tendon. MRI shows diffuse high signal intensity at the calcaneal insertion area of the Achilles tendon & Pre-Achilles, retrocalcaneal bursa. Differential Diagnosis: Achilles tendon enthesopathy Diagnosis: Haglund's deformity with Achilles tendinosis & retrocalcaneal bursitis, ankle, right Discussion: Haglund’s disease is frequently associated with “pump”-style shoes. More important than the shoe style is the presence of a stiff-heel counter, which compresses the retro-Achilles bursa against the posterior lateral calcaneal prominence. The calcaneal tuberosity may focally enlarge in response to chronic irritation. This enlargement further irritates the retro-Achilles bursa and the Achilles tendon, which increases the irritation that causes further enlargement of the tuberosity. This results in a cycle of injury, response to injury, and reinjury. In patients with Haglund’s disease, MR images reveal excessive fluid in the retrocalcaneal bursa, fluid in the retro-Achilles bursa, and an enlarged calcaneal tuberosity. MRI is helpful in detecting the degenerative changes that occur within the achilles tendon. Also useful to the surgeon to know the extent of the degenerative changes. The diagnosis of an enlarged calcaneal tuberosity (or of a bursal projection) is made by drawing parallel pitch lines on the upper and lower aspects on the calcaneus on sagittal images. The lower parallel pitch line is tangent to the anterior tubercle and the medial tuberosity of the calcaneus. The upper line is drawn parallel to the lower pitch line at the level of the posterior lip of the subtalar articular facet. In Haglund’s disease, a portion of the tuberosity is seen above the upper pitch line (Figure 4). References: Schweitzer ME, Karasick D. MR imaging of disorders of the Achilles tendon. AJR. 2000;175 (3): 613-25. |
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Name | Institution |
이름:소속병원 | |
Total Applicants: 32 | |
Correct answers:17 | |
장은호:포항시남구보건소 | |
장윤희:충북대학교 병원 | |
강건우:고대안암 | |
한준구:인하대병원 | |
이택기:인하대병원 | |
최현진:인하대병원 | |
우아름:인하대병원 | |
이지숙:순천향대 부천병원 | |
길은경:순천향대부천병원 | |
정희록:KS병원 | |
윤성종:강동경희대병원 | |
조병구:삼성창원병원 | |
이지현:삼성서울병원 | |
김나희:인하대병원 | |
최희석:부평세림병원 | |
이승민:단국대병원 | |
김현수:삼성서울병원 | |
Semi-correct answers:10 | |
김완태:중앙보훈병원 | |
채희동:서울대병원 | |
임효진:프라임병원 | |
홍현주:의정부 성모병원 | |
신윤상:인하대병원 | |
김유진:인하대병원 | |
홍진호:인하대병원 | |
조신영:웰튼병원 | |
박성훈:아주대병원 | |
이상윤:무척나은병원 |
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