Title : case 373 |
Age / Sex : 52 / M Chief complaint: wrist pain Courtesy: 윤영철 (Young Cheol Yoon), 서울삼성병원 (Samsung Medical Center) Diagnosis: Scaphoid non union advanced collapse (SNAC), Stage II DiscussionA scaphoid non union advanced collapse (or SNAC wrist) is complication that can occur with a scaphoid fracture. In a SNAC wrist, the proximal scaphoid fragment usually remains attached to the lunate (which rotate together during extension), while the distal scaphoid fragment rotates into flexion. This results in abnormal contact in the radioscaphoid compartment, characterized by early styloid osteoarthritis between the distal scaphoid fragment and the radial styloid process. Staging: stage 1: osteoarthritis between the distal scaphoid fragment and the radial styloid process stage 2: same as stage 1 with the addition of osteoarthritis between the scaphoid and the capitate. stage 3: osteoarthritis affecting the radial styloid, distal scaphoid, and scaphocapitate with progression to the lunocapitate References 1. Vender MI, Watson HK, Wiener BD, Black DM. Degenerative change in symptomatic scaphoid nonunion. J Hand Surg [Am] 1987; 12-A:514-9.1. 2. Tomaino MM, Miller RJ, Cole I et-al. Scapholunate advanced collapse wrist: proximal row carpectomy or limited wrist arthrodesis with scaphoid excision?. J Hand Surg Am. 1994;19 (1): 134-42. doi:10.1016/0363-5023(94)90237-2 - Pubmed citation |
Correct Answer | |
Name | Institution |
이름:소속병원 | |
Total Applicants: 34 | |
Correct answers:31 | |
양지연:오병원 | |
이승훈:한양대병원 | |
박지원:대구튼튼병원 | |
이은지:서울 순천향대학교 병원 | |
정희록:KS병원 | |
이혜란:서울아산 | |
이지현:삼성서울병원 | |
장윤희:충북대학교 병원 | |
손범석:세브란스병원 | |
윤란:원자력병원 | |
조병구:삼성창원병원 | |
이택기:인하대병원 | |
김성준:강남세브란스 | |
김현수:삼성서울병원 | |
우아름:인하대병원 | |
최현진:인하대병원 | |
김지현:강북삼성병원 | |
한준구:인하대병원 | |
채희동:서울대병원 | |
임효진:프라임병원 | |
이지숙:순천향대 부천병원 | |
홍현주:의정부성모병원 | |
최희석:부평세림병원 | |
길은경:순천향대부천병원 | |
이승민:단국대병원 | |
조신영:웰튼병원 | |
윤성종:강동경희대병원 | |
홍진호:인하대병원 | |
강건우:고대안암 | |
이상윤:무척나은병원 | |
정소용:여의도성모병원 | |
Semi-correct answers:3 | |
김유진:인하대병원 | |
김나희:인하대병원 | |
김완태:중앙보훈병원 |
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