Title : case 371 |
Age / Sex : 51 / F Chief complaint: shoulder pain, left (D: 3 months) Courtesy: 황지영(Ji Young Hwang), 이화여자대학교 병원(Ewha Womans University, School of Medicine) Diagnosis: Adhesive capsulitis (Frozen shoulder) DiscussionFindings: 1. Thickening of inferior joint capsule at the level of axillary recess 2. Soft tissue infiltration in rotator interval replacing subcoracoid fat triangle 3. Coracohumeral ligament thickening Diagnosis: Adhesive capsulitis (Frozen shoulder) Discussion: Frozen shoulder was used in the disease entity which clinical symptoms were slow onset of pain, inability to sleep on the affected arm, and restriction of both active and passive elevation and external rotation in 1934 by Codman. Then, Neviaser described characteristic synovial changes in the glenohumeral joint in patients with frozen shoulder and suggested the term adhesive capsulitis in 1945. Patients are commonly 40–70 years old and predominantly female. Arthroscopic findings of adhesive capsulitis are inflammation of extraarticular tissue in the region of the rotator cuff interval, synovitis at the anterosuperior glenohumeral joint, and thickening of the coracohumeral ligament (CHL). MRI or MR arthrographic findings of adhesive capsulitis are decreased joint capacity, obliteration of the axillary recess, capsular thickening of more than 4 mm in the axillary recess. The CHL thickening and obliteration of subcoracoid fat triangle are seen in rotator interval. This subcoracoid fat triangle sign is easy to detect on sagittal oblique images. After gadolinium enhancement, joint capsule and synovium in the rotator cuff interval and in the axillary recess are enhanced. The enhanced fibrovascular tissue in the rotator cuff interval encasing the CHL, superior glenohumeral ligament and the biceps tendon. References: Mengiardi B, Pfirrmann CW, Gerber C, Hodler J, Zanetti M. Frozen shoulder: MR arthrographic findings. Radiology 2004; 233:486–492 |
Correct Answer | |
Name | Institution |
이름:소속병원 | |
Total Applicants: 26 | |
Correct answers:19 | |
이지현:삼성서울병원 | |
김완태:중앙보훈병원 | |
조병구:삼성창원병원 | |
손범석:세브란스 | |
조신영:웰튼병원 | |
이승훈:한양대병원 | |
박지원:대구튼튼병원 | |
김나희:인하대병원 | |
한준구:인하대병원 | |
길은경:순천향대부천병원 | |
우아름:인하대 | |
김유진:인하대병원 | |
김현수:삼성서울병원 | |
이상윤:무척나은병원 | |
정소용:여의도성모병원 | |
정희록:KS병원 | |
이광진:통영적십자 병원 | |
최희석:부평세림병원 | |
윤성종:강동경희대병원 |
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