Age / Sex : 15 / M
Chief complaint: enlargement of left 2nd toe
1) What is your impression?
Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of this case.
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Courtesy: 곽규성(Kwack, Kyu-Sung)/이보람(Yi Boram), 아주대병원(Ajou University Hospital)
Diagnosis: Macrodystrophia lipomatosa
Findings: Osseous overgrowth and enlarged soft tissue in Lt.
2nd toe.
Differential Diagnosis:
Localized gigantism (vascular
malformation, Maffucci syndrome, etc)
lipomatosis with overgrowth of bone.
from cerebral palsy (can cause localized tissue overgrowth)
Diagnosis: Macrodystrophia lipomatosa
lipomatosa is progressive overgrowth of bone and adipose tissue (local
gigantism) of single or multiple digits. 2nd and 3rd
digits of hand or foot are most commonly involved. Overgrowth of bone and fatty
soft tissue has distal preference and bone overgrowth can produce bowing. Long
and broad phalanges with splayed distal tufts are also noted.
This lesion
present at birth or infancy and has female predominance. 27-67% patients have
also lipomatosis of nerve. Generally, bony overgrowth ceases after puberty and
soft tissue proliferation continues into adulthood.
Weiss SW et
al: Benign lipomatous tumors. In Weiss SW et al: Enzinger and Weiss' Soft
Tissue Tumors. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier. 460-1, 2008
Fritz TR et
al: Macrodystrophia lipomatosa extending into the upper abdomen. Pediatr
Radiol. 37(12) : 1275-7, 2007