Title : case 272 |
Age / Sex : 46 / M Chief complaint: left foot pain (10 months ago)
Courtesy: 양익(Ik Yang), 한림대학교강남성심병원(Hallym University College of Medicine, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital) Diagnosis: Sinus tarsi syndrome (=Tarsal sinus syndrome) Discussion
Simple X-ray: within normal limit.
T1W sagittal MR image shows obliteration of fat by an area
Fat suppression proton density coronal MR image well
Those findings are consistent with sinus tarsi syndrome.
Bone scan: A focal hot uptake at left foot, subtalar area
Post operative simple X-ray; subtalar arthrodesis with a
Differential Diagnosis:
Joint effusion from
Bifurcate ligament
Talar neck stress
Diagnosis: Sinus tarsi syndrome (=Tarsal sinus syndrome)
l Sinus tarsi : conical shaped cavity located between
l Etiology
- First described by O’Connor
- He suggested that
- Other cause –
- Etiology of sinus
l Symptom
- Pain over the lateral aspect of the foot,
- Obliteration of fat in the sinus tarsi
- The space itself is replaced by either
- Osteoarthritis of the subtalar joint and
* Normal recesses from the posterior subtalar
l Treatment : relative rest, Ice, NSAID,
Sonin, Manaster. AMIRSYS. Diagnostic
Zehava S. et al. MR Imaging of the
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이름:소속병원 | |
Total applicants: 6 | |
Correct answers: 3 | |
박희진: 강북삼성병원 | |
지숙경: 올림픽병원 | |
박상현: 플러스내과영상의학과 |
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