Title : case 247 |
Age / Sex : 77 / F Chief complaint : tingling sensation of lower extremities for 7 months Courtesy : 최상희, MD, 삼성서울병원 Diagnosis: Sparganosis Discussion
Findings: T1-weighted MR image shows an elongated iso-signal intensity intradural soft tissue mass in the L4 to S1 level. In T2-weighted MR image, the lesion shows heterogenous high signal intensity. About 3 cm sized cystic lesion is also noted within the mass in L5-S1 level. Contrast enhanced T1-weighted MR image shows multiple nodularity along the cauda equina and dura of the lower T spine level and heterogeneous enhancement of mass in L4 to S1 level. Differential Diagnosis: Leptomeningeal involvement by Tuberculosis, Lymphoma, Carcinoma Diagnosis: Sparganosis in spinal system Discussion: Sparganosis is uncommon disease in human. It is relatively frequent in eastern Asia. It is caused by drinking water contaminated with infected copepods, ingesting raw or inadequately cooked snakes or frogs infected with the sparganum. References: 1. Sparganosis Presenting as a Conus Medullaris Lesion - Case Report and Literature Review of the Spinal Sparganosis (Arch Neurol. 2004;61:1126-1128) 2. CT and MR Characteristics of Cerebral Sparganosis (AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 28:1700–05) |
Correct Answer | |
Name | Institution |
이름:소속병원 | |
Total applicants: 17 | |
Correct answer: 0 | |
Semi-correct answer: 11 | |
박상옥: 나사렛국제병원 | |
최인영: 고려대안산병원 | |
조경은: 분당필립메디컬센터 | |
배소영: 순천향대부천병원 | |
윤민아: 서울대병원 | |
유성혜: 고려대안암병원 | |
박희진: 강북삼성병원 | |
정민선: 을지병원 | |
박상현: 순천플러스내과 | |
이경규: 한강성심병원 | |
정진영: 삼성의료원 |
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