Weekly Case

Title : case 241

Age / Sex : 77 / F

Age / Sex : 20 / M

Chief complaint : Ankle pain

1) What is your impression?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of this case.

* Send Application Answers to In Sook Lee, MD ([email protected])

Courtesy : Jihae Lee, Inje University Sanggye Paik Hospital


Dislocation of peroneus brevis tendon with superior peroneal retinacular injury



MRI, axial T2-WI

Dislocation of part of peroneus brevis tendon over lateral malleolus

 Underlying bifurcated peroneous brevis tendon

 Loosening of peroneal retinaculum



Differential Diagnosis:



 Dislocation of peroneus brevis tendon

 SPR injury type 1



 SPR Injuries and Peroneal Tendon Dislocation

Correct Answer
Name Institution
Total applicants: 13
Correct answer: 3
박상현: 순천플러스내과 영상의학과
최성규: 스마일영상의학과 의원
윤민아: 서울대병원
Semi-correct answer: 9
김창현: 마산365병원
배소영: 순천향대부천병원
박희진: 강북삼성병원
김태은: 대구파티마병원
정유미: 가천의대 길병원
김건우: 강동경희대병원
이호준: 국군양주병원
정진영: 서울삼성병원
