Weekly Case

Title : case 236

Age / Sex : 51 / F

Age / Sex : 51/ female

Chief complaint : palpable mass on left knee from 1 year ago

1) What is your impression?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of this case.

* Send Application Answers to In Sook Lee, MD ([email protected])

Courtesy : Hyun-joo Kim, Soonchunhyang Seoul hospital


Localized pigmented villonodular synovitis



 Plain radiograph

There is a space occupying soft tissue density lesion in the Hoffa’s fat pad.


Left knee MRI

There is a 4.2x3.3x3.2 cm sized bilobulating contoured mass lesion in lateral aspect of Hoffa`s fat pad extending into anterior subcutaneous fat layer through the lateral aspect of the patellar tendon.

The lesion shows T1 slight low and T2 heterogenous iso SI with internal dark SI portions.

The lesion shows heterogenous enhancement with internal nonenhancing dark SI portions.



Differential Diagnosis:

}  Synovial hemangioma



Pigmented villonodular synovitis, localized type.



 Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis


}  Benign proliferative disorder of synovium

}  3rd or 4th decade, M:F = 1: 2

}  5% of all primary soft tissue tumors

}  Monoarticular - knee (m/c), hip, ankle, shoulder, elbow

}  Hypertrophic synovial mass with hemosiderin laden macrophages

}  2 types

}  Diffuse form

}  Slowly progressive pain & swelling, more frequent recurrence

}  Aspiration - brown fluid d/t previous hemorrhage

}  Focal or localized form – nodular synovitis

}  Less common than diffuse form, adjacent to Hoffa’s fat pad

}  Variable hemosiderin deposition

}  Radiographic features

}  Soft tissue swelling or joint effusion

}  Preservation of joint space

}  ± bone erosion (hip, shoulder) and cysts

}  Absence of calcification

}  Normal bone mineralization

}  MR features

}  Well-defined mass localized to synovium

}  Diffuse nodular frond like proliferation of synovium

}  Low SI on both T1- & T2-WI, “blooming” artifact on GRE

}  Hemosiderin

Intense enhancement


 Mark D. Murphey, John H. Rhee, Rachel B. Lewis, et al.  From the Archives of the AFIP

Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis: Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation. RadioGraphics 2008; 28:1493–1518

Correct Answer
Name Institution
total applicants 17
correct answer 6
박희진 강북삼성병원
장희재 (전공의) 서울성모병원
지숙경 삼성서울병원
이호준 국군양주병원
정세희 (전공의) 전남대학교병원
김성윤 동대문 튼튼병원
semi-correct answer 5
조신영 웰튼병원
최희석 부평세림병원
윤민아 서울대병원
정선혜 (전공의) 순천향대학교 부천병원
김승수 (전공의) 순천향대학교 천안병원
