Title : case 161 |
Age / Sex : 53 / F Age / Sex : 37 / M Chief complaint : palpable mass 1) What is your impression? Diagnosis: GCTTS DiscussionFindings : Simple - soft tissue mass with bone erosion in volar and ulnar aspect of the middle phalax of the 2nd finger MRI - well defined mass in the volar and ulnar aspect of the middle phalax of the 2nd finger with low to intermediate signal intensity on T1WI, slight high signal intensity on T2WI - mass attached to bone and flexor tendon - erosion of bone - no visible enhancement of mass Differential Diagnosis : Diagnosis : giant cell tumor of tendon sheath Discussion: • Different form of synovial proliferation with PVNS; similar histologic finding • Localized and diffuse form • Common site ; finger • R/F ; soft tissue swelling or mass with or without erosion of adjacent bone • MR ; variable ; low SI on T1&T2WI (hemosiderin, fibrous tissue) • 2nd most common soft tissue tumor of the hand and wrist • Often in middle-aged women References: Shankman S, Kolla S, Beltran J; MR imaging of tumors and tumor-like lesion of the upper extremity Magn Reson Imaging Clin N Am 2004; 12; 349-359 Chung CB, Steinbach LS; MRI of the upper extremity, LWW Resnick : Diagnosis of Bone & Joint disorders, Saunders |
Correct Answer | |
Name | Institution |
total applicants | 9 |
correct answer | 6 |
박상옥 (전공의) | 서울아산병원 |
김성준 | 영동세브란스병원 |
명재성 | 분당나우병원 |
이선영 | 서울아산병원 |
이연옥 (전공의) | |
김완태 | 서울보훈병원 |
semi-correct answer | 2 |
박희진 | 명지병원 |
김여주 | 분당서울대학교병원 |
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