Title : case 153 |
Age / Sex : 39 / F Age / Sex :39/F Chief complaint : Right hip pain 1) What is your impression? Diagnosis: avulsion fracture of ASIS DiscussionFindings: Plain radiograph and CT; Bone defect at the anterior superior iliac spine with inferior displacement of the fracture fragment. Differential Diagnosis: Osteochondroma Diagnosis: Avulsion fracture of anterior superior iliac spine, Rt. Discussion: In the pelvis, avulsion injury involves the anterior superior iliac spine is common. It is the attachment site for the sartorium muscle and the tensor muscle of the tascia lata. This type of injury occurs in sprinters during forceful extension at the hip. Patients present with pain just below the most anterior aspect of the iliac crest. Sometimes the avulsion fragment can be palpated. Such injuries usually heal quickly and without sequelae after simple restriction of activity References: Stevens MA, El-Khoury GY, Kathol MH, Brandser EA, Chow S. Imaging features of avulsion injuries. RadioGraphics1999; 19:655 -672 |
Correct Answer | |
Name | Institution |
total applicants | 13 |
correct answer | 8 |
김성준 | 영동세브란스병원 |
이상민 (전공의) | 이대목동병원 |
이승훈 | 한양대학교병원 |
채지원 | 보라매병원 |
이윤미 | 아주대병원 |
이호준 (전공의) | |
최희석 | 강북자생영상의학과 |
김혜린 (전공의) | 부천순천향병원 |
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