Weekly Case

Title : Case 139

Age / Sex : 25 / M

Age / Sex :  25/M

Chief complaint : palpable mass at the proximal tibia

1) What is your impression?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of this case.

* Send Application Answers to Ja-Young Choi, MD ([email protected])

Courtesy : Kyung Nam Ryu, MD., Kyung Hee University Medical Center


tibial and pretibial ganglion cyst


Bone erosion of tibial tunnel for ACL reconstruction,

cystic lesion at the tibial tunnel and pretibial space


Differential Diagnosis: mucoid degeneration of graft


Diagnosis: pretibial and tibial ganglion cyst


Discussion: pretibial cysts may be caused by necrosis of tendons during the process of incorporation into the osseous tunnel at 6 to 12 months after ACL reconstruction



Martinek V, Friederich NF (1999) tibial and pretibial cyst formation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with bioabsorbalbe interference screw fixation. Arthroscopy 15:317-320

Sekiya JK, Elkousy HA, Fu FH (2004) Recurrent pretibial ganglion cyst formation over 5 years after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, Arthroscopy 20:317-321

Correct Answer
Name Institution
Total Applicants (7)
Correct Answer (3)
이승훈: 고대구로병원
채지원: 보라매병원
임효진: 강북삼성병원(전공의0
Semicorrect Answer (3)
김혜린: 부천순천향병원 (전공의)
김완태: 서울보훈병원
박희진: 명지병원
