Title : Case 138 |
Age / Sex : 29 / M Age/Sex: 29/M Diagnosis: hemophilia DiscussionHemophilia • joint involvement – knee, elbow, ankle, hip, shoulder in descending order of frequency • usually a single joint is involved in each episode • joint involvement may be markedly asymmetric or even unilateral
• X-ray findings: similar to those in other involved joints • Soft tissue swelling, osteoporosis, marginal and central osseous erosions, and joint space narrowing • tibiotalar slanting or tilt à angular joint surface : presumably related to abnormal growth and premature fusion of the distal tibial physis : DDx – epiphyseal dysplasia, juvenile chronic arthritis, sickle cell anemia • ankle and foot deformities – not infrequent : plantar flexion of the ankle, inversion of the subtalar joints, adduction of the forefoot : relate to intra-articular and intramuscular bleeding The stages of hemophilia by Arnold and Hilgartner Stage I: Soft tissue swelling joint effusion Stage II: Osteoporosis periarticular osteoporosis Stage III: Osseous lesions irregularity and erosion of bone with subchondral cysts joint effusion may appear relatively radiodense owing to hemosiderin deposition Stage IV: Cartilage destruction joint space narrowing with the bony abnormalities narrowing frequently is symmetric, involving the entire articulation Stage V: Joint disorganization severe cartilaginous and osseous abnormalities complete obliteration of the joint space, considerable bony erosion and irregularity, multiple cystic radiolucent lesions, secondary “degenerative” alterations Reference Diagnosis of Bone and Joint Disorders, Resnick D
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Total Applicants (9) | |
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김완태: 서울보훈병원 | |
이승훈: 고대구로병원 | |
채지원: 보라매병원 | |
박소영: 경희대동서신의학병원 | |
임효진: 강북삼성병원(전공의0 | |
Semicorrect Answer (1) | |
김혜린: 부천순천향병원 (전공의) |
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