Title : Case 136 |
Age / Sex : 26 / M Age / Sex : 26 / M Diagnosis: alveolar soft part sarcoma DiscussionFindings: Pre-contrast CT shows low attenuated soft tissue mass at left pectineus muscle extending upwards to anterior acetabulum with destruction of the bone. Strong enhancement of the mass is seen with prominent vascular structures in and around the mass. Chest PA reveals multiple lung nodules which suggest lung metastasis
Synovial sarcoma, angiosarcoma, liposarcoma, MFH, hemangioma
Alveolar soft part sarcoma is a rare soft tissue sarcoma of young adults. Most commonly it occurs in the thigh, but a wide variety of other sites have also been described. Alveolar soft part sarcoma is a painless, slow growing mass, but metastases are often found at the time of excision of primary tumor. Common sites of metastases are lung, brain and skeleton. CT of the alveolar soft part sarcoma usually shows low attenuated soft tissue mass which can have punctate calcification. Contrast enhancement is essential in the diagnosis of the tumor, because the vigorous enhancement of the mass and dilated early draining veins are readily seen on the contrast-enhanced CT. Alveolar soft part sarcoma is T1 iso or high signal intensity/T2 high signal intensity mass with multiple peritumoral and intratumoral signal voids due to its hypervascularity on MR images. Avid enhancement is seen with Gadolinium contrast administration.
3. Lorigan JG, O'Keeffe FN, Evans HL, Wallace S, The radiologic manifestations of alveolar soft-part sarcoma. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1989 Aug;153 |
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