Title : Case 129 |
Age / Sex : 35 / F Age / Sex : 35/F Chief complaint : RT.knee pain, duration : 1yr Trauma hx (-) Diagnosis: ossifying hemangioma DiscussionFindings: Plain X-ray MRI About 2x2cm in transverse dimension and about 4cm in longitudinal dimension mass lesion at distal thigh posteromedial aspect. The lesion is located in the deep to the semimembranosus muscle. The mass showed heterogenous intermediate signal intensity on T1WI, heterogenous high signal intensity on T2WI. The inner very low signal intensity on T1WI & T2WI corresponded to the irregular radiopaque densities on the plain radiographs. Enhanced sagittal T1WI shows heterogenous enhancement. Differential Diagnosis: 1. Myositis ossificans 2. Extraskeletal osteosarcoma 3. Synovial sarcoma Diagnosis: Intramuscular hemangioma with ossification
Only about 1% of hemangiomas originate in the skeletal muscle. Benign soft tissue tumors, predominantly involve the large muscles of the thigh. Highest prevalence in young women, in the 3rd decade of life. Size : vary from less than 4cm to greater than 20cm, less than 9cm (m/c). Components : Vascular components, thrombus, calcifications, hemosiderin, fat, smooth muscle, and fibrous tissue, mature bone (extremely rare) Findings X-ray : Swiss cheese appearance, reflects architecture of mature bone interspersed with large cavernous vascular channels. MRI : intermediate signal intensity with a fairly well-delineated margin on T1WI Low signal intensity on T1WI and T2WI can be caused byphleboliths,
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박상현: 순천향대학천안병원(전공의) |
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