Title : Case 119 |
Age / Sex : 14 / F Age / Sex: 17 / F 1) What is your impression? Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of this case. * Send Application Answers to Ja-Young Choi, MD ([email protected]) * Case number, Answers, Name & Affiliation of Answerer should be included. Courtesy : Byeong Seong Kang, M.D., University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Ulsan University Hospital Diagnosis: aneurysmal bone cyst DiscussionFindings: 1) L-spine AP / lateral: - Well-defined osteolytic lesion of left lamina and spinous process of L4 2) CT - Expansile osteolytic bone lesion with cortical thinning of left lamina and spinous process of L4 3) MR - Lobulated mass lesion is noted at left lamina and spinous process of L4 - T1WI: diffuse low SI with multifocal high SI - T2WI: multiple fluid-fluid levels - Fat-suppressed enhanced T1WI: heterogeneous enhancement. Differential Diagnosis: - Giant cell tumor / Simple bone cyst / chondroblastoma Diagnosis: Aneurysmal bone cyst Discussion: - Benign bone lesion of unknown origin - 1.4 ~ 2.3% of primary bone tumors Clinical features - 80% of affected patients: < 20 years - Pain and swelling (weeks to years), sign and symptoms related to compression of spinal cord and/or nerve roots - Involvement of long tubular bones and spine: 60 ~ 70% - Involvement of spine: 3 ~ 20% of cases (thoracic > lumbar > cervical > sacrum) Radiologic feature (spine) 1. Plain radiograph - Osteolytic and expansile - Involvement of posterior elements (extension into vertebral body: 75% of cases) 2. CT - Osteolytic and expansile lesion - Fluid level (35%) 3. MR - Expansile and lobulated or septated lesion - A thin, well-defined complete, or less commonly, incomplete rim of low signal intensity about aneurysmal bone cyst is common - Inhomogeneity of signal intensity is encountered, and individual lobules of lesion may have markedly different signal intensity characteristics - Periosseous edema (in some cases) - Fluid levels within the lesion References: 1. Diagnosis of bone and joint disorders. Saunders, 2002, 4th ed. p 4035-4052 |
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Total Applicants (13) | |
Correct Answer (11) | |
공근영: 녹십자헬스케어센터 | |
김성준: 영동세브란스병원 | |
김완태: 서울보훈병원 | |
오경진: 분당서울대병원 | |
이녕근: 전공의 | |
이승훈: 고대구로병원 | |
이호준: 전공의 | |
윤영철: 삼성서울병원 | |
채지원: 보라매병원 | |
최수정: 강릉아산병원 | |
최희석: 분당서울대병원 |
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