Weekly Case

Title : Case 115

Age / Sex : 12 / F

Age / Sex : 12/F

Chief complaint : Palpable mass and often discharge of anterior knee ( 5 years )

1) What is your impression?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of this case.

* Send Application Answers to Ja-Young Choi, MD ([email protected])

Courtesy : Jin Gyoon Park, MD. Chonnam National University Hospital


tumoral calcinosis



Well defined, multilobulated, and multiseptated calcifications in prepatellar soft tissue


Diagnosis:  Tumoral calcinosis



Clinical feature

  - Rare, familial in one third of cases

- Firm, painless, enlarging periarticular soft tissue mass

  - Children and adolescent: 6-25 years

  - Common location: hip, elbow, shoulder, foot, and wrist

  - Normal serum calcium level

  - Skin sinuses extruding chalky white material in late stage

Radiologic feature

1.       Plain radiograph

- Well defined, lobulated, septated, multiloculated calcifications in extracapsular periarticular soft tissue

 - Usually distributed along extensor surface of large joints

  - Individual calcification: 1 to 20 mm in diameter

  - Multiple linear and curvilinear radiolucencies representing fibrous septa within calcification (chicken-wire or cobblestone appearance)

2. CT

-    Lobulated cystic calcification and calcium fluid level in metabolic active lesion                     (sedimentation sign)

-    Homogeneous calcification in lower metabolic activity

- Rarely adjacent bone erosion

3.  MRI 

- T1WI: low signal intensity

- T2WI: 1) diffuse low signal intensity

       2) bright nodular pattern with alternating areas of high signal intensity and signal void


Differential diagnosis 

Calcinosis of chronic renal failure, calcinosis universalis, calcinocis circumscripta, calcific tendonitis, synovial osteochondromatosis, osteosarcoma, myositis ossificans, tophaceous gout, calcific myonecrosis



1. Diagnosis of bone and joint disorders. Saunders, 2002, 4th ed. p 4637-4641

2. Imaging of soft tissue tumors. Lippincott Williams & Wikins, 2006, 2nd ed. p 481-482

3. Olsen KM, Chew FS. Tumoral calcinosis : pearls, polemics, and alternative possibilities.  Radiographics 2006;26:871-885


Correct Answer
Name Institution
Total Applicants (9)
Correct Answer (4)
김완태: 서울보훈병원
박소영: 경희대 동서신의학병원
오경진: 분당서울대병원
이승훈: 고대구로병원

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