Weekly Case

Title : Case 95

Age / Sex : 54 / F

Age / Sex : 54/F

Chief complaint
: palpable mass in the right 1st web foot dorsum area.
                          (Onset: 3 months ago)

1) What is your impression?

Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of this case.

* Send Application Answers to Ja-Young Choi, MD ([email protected])
* Case number, Answers, Name & Affiliation of Answerer should be included.

Courtesy : Sun-Won Park, MD. 
Inha University Hospital


giant cell tumor of tendon sheath


MR : There is a intermediate signal intensity lobulated contoured, well demarcated mass in the 2nd phalanx extensor digitorum tendon on the T1-weighted images.  The mass is shown as intermediate signal on the T2 –weighted images. The mass shows moderate well enhancement on the post-contrast enhancement fat suppression T1-weighed MR images.

Differential diagnosis :
Ganglion cyst, lipomas, hemangiomas, Foreign bodies, synovial sarcoma


Diagnosis: Giant Cell Tumor of tendon sheath


Definition: Non-neoplastic benign tumor of giant cells in vicinity of joints, most commonly the hand, closely related to pigmented villonodular synovitis

Abbreviations and synonyms : Extraarticular pigmented villonodular synovitis, GCTTS, histiocytoma, benign synovioma

Imaging findings

Best diagnostic clue: intermediate signal intensity soft tissue mass on T1 & T2WIs

Two-thirds of masses located volar aspect of fingers-index and long finger most common

Morphology: Well-circumscribed fibrous mass

Fibrous septations-hypointense

Sharply defined interface without reactive edema of adjacent subcutaneous tissue


 Accepted theory-reactive or regenerative hyperplasia

 2nd most common mass on hand behind ganglion

 High rate of recurrence

 Firm, well-circumscribed lobulated mass

Clinical Issues

 Most common signs/symptoms: Painless slow growing mass present for weeks to years

May cause limited function of digit due to size of lesion

Osseous erosions related to lesion hypervascularity



1.       Stoller DW, Tirman PFJ, Bredella MA. Diagnostic imaging Orthopaedics. A medial reference publishing company. 2004, 3-90 to 3-93.

Correct Answer
Name Institution
Total Applicants (9)
Correct Answer (8)
김권형: 한마음병원
김성준: 영동세브란스병원
김완태: 서울보훈병원
박상현: 순천향대학천안병원(전공의)
박소영: 분당서울대병원
오경진: 충남대학교 병원
이승훈: 서울보훈병원
최희석: 동국대학교 일산 병원(전공의)
Semicorrect Answer(1)
채지원: 서울대병원
