Title : Case 95 |
Age / Sex : 54 / F Age / Sex : 54/F 1) What is your impression? Two weeks later, you can see the final diagnosis with a brief discussion of this case. * Send Application Answers to Ja-Young Choi, MD ([email protected]) * Case number, Answers, Name & Affiliation of Answerer should be included. Courtesy : Sun-Won Park, MD. Inha University Hospital Diagnosis: giant cell tumor of tendon sheath DiscussionFindings: Differential diagnosis :
Diagnosis: Giant Cell Tumor of tendon sheath Definition: Non-neoplastic benign tumor of giant cells in vicinity of joints, most commonly the hand, closely related to pigmented villonodular synovitis Abbreviations and synonyms : Extraarticular pigmented villonodular synovitis, GCTTS, histiocytoma, benign synovioma Imaging findings Best diagnostic clue: intermediate signal intensity soft tissue mass on T1 & T2WIs Two-thirds of masses located volar aspect of fingers-index and long finger most common Morphology: Well-circumscribed fibrous mass Fibrous septations-hypointense Sharply defined interface without reactive edema of adjacent subcutaneous tissue Pathology Accepted theory-reactive or regenerative hyperplasia 2nd most common mass on hand behind ganglion High rate of recurrence Firm, well-circumscribed lobulated mass Clinical Issues Most common signs/symptoms: Painless slow growing mass present for weeks to years May cause limited function of digit due to size of lesion Osseous erosions related to lesion hypervascularity References: 1. Stoller DW, Tirman PFJ, Bredella MA. Diagnostic imaging Orthopaedics. A medial reference publishing company. 2004, 3-90 to 3-93. |
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Name | Institution |
Total Applicants (9) | |
Correct Answer (8) | |
김권형: 한마음병원 | |
김성준: 영동세브란스병원 | |
김완태: 서울보훈병원 | |
박상현: 순천향대학천안병원(전공의) | |
박소영: 분당서울대병원 | |
오경진: 충남대학교 병원 | |
이승훈: 서울보훈병원 | |
최희석: 동국대학교 일산 병원(전공의) | |
Semicorrect Answer(1) | |
채지원: 서울대병원 |
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