Age / Sex : 23 / F
Chief complaint : Generalized weakness, loss of appetite, and weight loss
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Courtesy : 김현수 (Hyun Su Kim), 삼성서울병원 (Samsung medical center)
Diagnosis: Serous atrophy of bone marrow (gelatinous transformation of bone marrow)
Findings Diffuse hypointense signal on T1-weighted and hyperintense signal on T2 fat-suppressed images of the bone marrow and subcutaneous fat.
References 1. Vande Berg B, Malghem J, Devuyst O, Maldague B, Lambert M. Anorexia Nervosa: Correlation Between MR Appearance of Bone Marrow and Severity of Disease. Radiology. 1994;193(3):859-64. 2. DiVasta A, Mulkern R, Gordon C, Ecklund K. MR Imaging in a Case of Severe Anorexia Nervosa: The 'Flip-Flop' Effect. Pediatr Radiol. 2015;45(4):617-20. 3. Ecklund K, Vajapeyam S, Feldman H et al. Bone Marrow Changes in Adolescent Girls with Anorexia Nervosa. J Bone Miner Res. 2010;25(2):298-304. 4. Boutin R, White L, Laor T et al. MRI Findings of Serous Atrophy of Bone Marrow and Associated Complications. Eur Radiol. 2015;25(9):2771-8.